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主題標題: 測有否下屬想辭職
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    文章一覽:測有否下屬想辭職 (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    楊救貧 發表於: 2005/07/20 00:32am
    rainbow 發表於: 2005/07/18 11:14pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2005/07/18 11:21pm 第 2 次編輯]



    你意指, 你的公司想要一個新的部門很快 break even, 或甚至賺錢? 如果是這樣,相當不切實際.    

    why don't you 請教 心易大大 是否應該轉工作?  

    Anyway, 我也有我自己的工作問題。  我能夠或多或少感同身受 --  去年,一大群人不斷辭職.  今年也是.  

    我常抱怨 被虐待加班, 嘿!  嘿!  我絕對不是 馴服的綿羊, 我不知道他們是否擔心更多人辭職, 他們給我 7% interim raise, 我很驚奇. 今年較晚時候, 有一次 annual raise 我也有資格再加薪.  但是沒有很高的期望, 我認為 7% 是預支數額.

    無論怎麼,  真的是 "會哭的孩子有糖果吃."      不抱怨 = 被虐待   </pre>

    axle 發表於: 2005/07/18 02:00pm

    下面引用由rainbow2005/07/17 09:56pm 發表的內容:
    今天, 我讀 劉墉 的書.  你必須 speak up, 為你和你的下屬爭取公平待遇.
    劉墉:   -- " 諸葛亮出馬 " 這一章. 你到書店查看這本書.
    哇! 讀完 " 諸葛亮出馬 " 這一章, 我領 ...

    Thanks for your sharing - I really mean this.

    As you mentioned, it doesn't pay to be submissive.  Yet it's a rather difficult situation because the department is new and there's no reference point to make even in the market.  I've fought for plan in package revision at end of this year but just unfortunately some of my team members have run out of patience already...

    I try to avoid giving them an increase after their resignation is submitted - otherwise it would become a precedent where the management lose control.  The situation is a bit complicated to handle.

    However, the underlying problem of reward system must be fixed asap.  Frankly, if the business chose not to reward the right people, I would not keep them here as I also want them to have a good future.  And if it were the case, I would be leaving very soon as well - by then they are too late to regret.
    rainbow 發表於: 2005/07/17 09:56pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2005/07/17 10:00pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由axle2005/07/17 08:21am 發表的內容:
    But the actual reason is that, they are not properly rewarded for the work they performed, while in some other area of the business there are people rewarded more for less work and poor performance.  Thus, it's not the actual $$$ they are earning, but the "fairness" & " equality" of the reward system.


    今天, 我讀 劉墉 的書.  你必須 speak up, 為你和你的下屬爭取公平待遇.

    劉墉:  [ 我不是教你詐(4) - 第四本 ] -- " 諸葛亮出馬 " 這一章. 你到書店查看這本書.

    哇! 讀完 " 諸葛亮出馬 " 這一章, 我領悟到 越做馴服的綿羊, 他們越是虐待你。

    只有 會哭的孩子得到糖果 是真的.

    Did they give you more money when you notified them that you were resigning?  Did your staff get more money when she recently resigned?  Did she decide to stay because she receives more money now?

    If you don't fight for yourself and for your subordinates, you won't get respect or loyalty from them.  It doesn't pay to be submissive.  Your staff will only see you as a lame duck boss.  

    Agate 發表於: 2005/07/17 00:39pm
    原來做上級都都不是很好受~ 要煩這麼多...
    axle 發表於: 2005/07/17 08:21am
    [這篇文章最後由axle在 2005/07/17 08:24am 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由rainbow2005/07/16 07:30pm 發表的內容:
    <pre>哎喲!    你提及職場辭職問題, 我插話了. 去年, 我的公司有大約 90%的人辭職了.
    坦白地說, 美國職業諮詢公司調查,  多數人辭職的 理由/ 原因 其實不是薪資問題,  真正理由是:  無法忍受 壞老闆 (bad  ...

    Thanks for your reminder.     Actually, I have also thought about it, whether there are things that I overlooked...

    But the actual reason is that, they are not properly rewarded for the work they performed, while in some other area of the business there are people rewarded more for less work and poor performance.  Thus, it's not the actual $$$ they are earning, but the "fairness" & " equality" of the reward system.

    Why am I so sure about this??  People like the atmosphere of my team because some leavers returned to my team, some other department's staff also requested to join us.  Also, my colleagues did complain about the fairness issue -  and most importantly I once wanted to resign because of this reward system, too!  

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