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主題標題: [轉貼] 一女子 對抗淫賊新的武器: 手機 的 Camera.
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    文章一覽:[轉貼] 一女子 對抗淫賊新的武器: 手機 的 Camera. (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/05/10 10:18am


    另一變態男人, 在紐約市地鐵上閃出 "小弟弟"。

    <pre>兩個女乘客, 在個別的日期, 使用了手機拍他的照片。




    PHOTOS:Cops Looking for Subway Flasher

    NEW YORK (1010 WINS)  -- A subway flasher has struck again on the number 7 train.

    He's allegedly done it once before back in March. And in both cases, someone caught him on a cell phone camera.

    Police believe back in March, this guy exposed himself to a 15-year-old girl on the number 7 train. She was quick enough, smart enough to take his picture with a cell phone.

    Now police believe the guy exposed himself on the number 7 train last week to a 22-year-old woman.

    Police are hoping that someone who knows him will call police.  

    Lemon 發表於: 2006/03/03 00:57am

    下面引用由rainbow2006/03/02 09:45am 發表的內容:
    Update on subway pervert

    咁就無事? 精神病大晒咩!
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/03/02 10:45am
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/03/02 09:47am 第 2 次編輯]

    Update on subway pervert

    The New York Post
    February 28, 2005

    A noted Manhattan restaurateur who exposed himself to a camera-toting young woman while riding the subway — only to face even more exposure when her picture of him wound up in newspapers and on the 'Net — pleaded guilty to public lewdness yesterday.

    "Yes, I did it," Dan Hoyt, 43, admitted, without emotion, in Manhattan Supreme Court after a judge asked him whether he had pulled out his genitals and "manipulated" them while riding an R train last August.

    The hands-on chef — owner of the raw-food eatery Quintessence — will be sentenced to two years' probation on his next scheduled day in court, April 18. He must continue his once-a-week visits to a psychiatrist throughout his probation.

    Hoyt — who prosecutors believe flashed at least three other women during subway rides last year — showed none of the cockiness of previous court appearances. Hoyt had smirked and sneered, "It's a misdemeanor," as he left his September arraignment — bailed out by $5,000 from his ex-wife and business partner, Tolentin Chan.

    But yesterday, Hoyt said through his lawyer that he felt remorse for his flashy fetish. It's the second time he's been caught with his pants down underground — he was busted for the same thing in 1994.

    "He realizes that he has some psychiatric issues that he has to deal with, and he's very remorseful," said his lawyer, Michael Bachner. "He is dealing very seriously with this, and knows it is something that can't happen again."

    Hoyt risks a three-month prison sentence if he unzips and grips again.

    The restaurateur's one-man show was shut down when one victim, Web designer Thao Nguyen, 23, decided to do something about it when Hoyt began staring at her and fondling himself as they rode an R train.

    She pulled out her cellphone, snapped a picture and posted it on the Web sites Flickr and Craigslist — asking if anyone knew who he was. The resulting publicity led to his arrest.

    Hoyt owned two Quintessence restaurants at the time of his arrest last August, one on Amsterdam Avenue on the Upper West Side, which has since closed, and one that remains open on East 10th Street in the East Village, above which Hoyt lives.

    And what's next for Hoyt? "He's been consulting here and there about raw-food menus, throughout the U.S. and in Japan," Bachner said.

    "He's often in Japan, counteracting a lot of the bad, MacDonald's kind of restaurant fads that are going on there," the lawyer said.

    [email protected]</pre>
    rainbow 發表於: 2005/09/02 01:19pm
    rainbow 發表於: 2005/09/01 09:46pm
    rainbow 發表於: 2005/09/01 09:32pm

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