下面引用由unclesam在 2006/02/17 01:13pm 發表的內容: Hm...my point is if I have to feel "可憐" for him, it should be a tragedy. something like he does nothing but bad things still stick around with him. for this guy, he fooled around with ...
Hm...my point is if I have to feel "可憐" for him, it should be a tragedy. something like he does nothing but bad things still stick around with him. for this guy, he fooled around with the rich lady, and you know what his real intention was. Then when he broke up, he tried to blackmail her for money. Basically, he is a loose cannon and he appears to be. He has been too lousy. His boss at the radio station or any other bosses won't hire him as he would spoil the chemistry of the whole organisation. with love matters, any women could see his wild side and therefore avoid him. So it is not "sympathy", I should say he deserves all these.
if i have to feel 可憐 for him, it has to be something like, he did nothing wrong but his got fried and his girlfriend would leave him for no reason. Then this is 可憐.
下面引用由unclesam在 2006/02/16 07:33pm 發表的內容: i won't show any sympathy to this guy. he asked for it and he well deserved that. it is all about "cause and effect".... look how he fooled around in the first place and the chances ...