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    文章一覽:[轉貼]Your birthday predications (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    jennifer 發表於: 2005/11/29 00:52pm
    [這篇文章最後由jennifer在 2005/11/29 00:52pm 第 1 次編輯]

    Your birthday predications

    Those born on the 1st, 10th ,19th and 28th of a month generally succeed in life through determinations and hard work. They excel in any career where leadership qualities, count including banking finance, etc they should not, however, be forced into anything. These people thrive in warm, tropical climates and should surround themselves with bright colors.

    Those born on the 2nd,11th,20th and 29th of a month are dreamy and idealistic. Literary and artistic careers suit them. Since they lack perseverance, they have to be pushed to succeed. Their high-strung and nervous temperament often makes them pig-headed and unreasonable. They often take rash chances, but are generally lucky, which only encourages them.

    Those born on the 3nd,12th,21th and 30th of a month are destined for great things, being born leaders of men. If they like their job they can soar t great heights, they detest sordid acts, and are kind-hearted. They are capable of great sacrifices and will do everything they can for those they love. They excel wherever tact and diplomacy are demanded.

    Those born on the 4nd,13th,22th and 31th of a month are brilliant and can succeed at any job if they set their mind to it. however they are often moody, unreasonable and unreliable. They usually opt for agriculture ,gardening , etc. as a career they should save money as they are prone to periodic bad luck , they should avoid rash actions and gambling.

    Those born on the 5nd,14thand 23th of a month are brimming with vitality and can do many things successfully. They can be idealistic or practical and can become prolific writers or engineers! These people are almost 'weather-proof'. They remain healthy and cheerful even in the worst weather.

    Those born on the 6nd,15th and 24th of a month are affectionate, kind-hearted, and great lovers of beauty. They should fake up architecture, painting, interior decoration, music. Unfortunately they are also luxury-loving , lazy and selfish. They require good food clothes and warmth for their well-being. They cannot stand chilly weather, dirt, or shabbiness.

    Those born on the 7nd,16th and 25th of a month are usually over idealistic and secretive. They do well in anything connected with shipping or the sea. In fact, their health remains best when living near the sea. However , cold water is not good for them and they cannot stand extremes of climate.

    Those born on the 8nd,17th and 26th of a month are pessimistic silent and dour, but also confident , self-reliant and independent. They have scholarly interests and enjoy solitude and quite. They should protect themselves against cold weather and not surround themselves with bright colors. Their digestive systems is fragile.

    Those born on the 9nd,18th and 27th of a month possess a hot temper, but forgive and forget quickly. They are fighters by nature and hence are best suited to the armed forces or wherever initiative and leadership are required. These people are fun-loving and social they enjoy good health and prefer heat to cold they should however beware of water


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