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    文章一覽:[討論]董元辰六爻讀書報告 (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    ericfhtang 發表於: 2008/08/10 00:43am
    jack 兄:

    JackChen 發表於: 2008/08/09 08:32pm
    ericfhtang 發表於: 2008/06/27 02:52pm
    【sorry, I should make it clear.. my first question is: he said he 占得 "蒙" 之 "損" 卦. I want to know is it 主卦是山水蒙 and then 變卦是山澤損卦?】
    That’s right.

    【2. If his assumption on the 46 卦 needs to be 抑制, 山水蒙 is one of it. Here, 世爻 is 戌. If needs to be 抑制, then the 用神 should be 水(子) , 木(寅). But he said 辰 is one of the 用神 too, is it because the theory on P.116 (i.e. 辰戌沖)?】
    That’s right too. According to his theory, any earthy branch that is good for世爻 is用神, so there may be many 用神 in a卦.

    【3. About the 忌神, is it because 午會半合戌成火旺(印)?】

    【4. About the 已日 , will it be 戌的印? Should it be considered as one of the 忌神?】
    Sure, but base on the yin yan theory, 巳 is far less powerful than the 午 and sometimes an earthly branch can be both 用神 and 忌神 when interacting with other branches. You will have to compare its damage and contribution to decide whether it is the good god or bad god. Are you still confuse about the 正斷卦 and 反斷卦?

    【5. 何以知此卦水不旺 , 官不高? Thanks.!】
    neptuneboy 發表於: 2008/06/26 10:00pm

    下面引用由ericfhtang2008/06/26 10:04am 發表的內容:
    about your question, " He said this 卦, the 世爻 is 戌(土) but why it needed to be 抑制? I don't understand here.. can you explain? ": I belive if you have read chapter1 ...

    sorry, I should make it clear.. my first question is: he said he 占得 "蒙" 之 "損" 卦. I want to know is it 主卦是山水蒙 and then 變卦是山澤損卦?

    2. If his assumption on the 46 卦 needs to be 抑制, 山水蒙 is one of it. Here, 世爻 is 戌. If needs to be 抑制, then the 用神 should be 水(子) , 木(寅). But he said 辰 is one of the 用神 too, is it because the theory on P.116 (i.e. 辰戌沖)?

    3. About the 忌神, is it because 午會半合戌成火旺(印)?

    4. About the 已日 , will it be 戌的印? Should it be considered as one of the 忌神?

    5. 何以知此卦水不旺 , 官不高? Thanks.!

    ericfhtang 發表於: 2008/06/26 10:04am

    about your question, " He said this 卦, the 世爻 is 戌(土) but why it needed to be 抑制? I don't understand here.. can you explain? ": I belive if you have read chapter13, page 134, you would've known the answer. It has something to do with the balance of energy in a gua( 卦), Master Yuei has not  given a systematic explanation either, you just have to follow his rules on the 68 guas.

    I have no idea that he has any open class at anywhere, you may enquire the publisher of his book, the http is printed on the back of his book.
    neptuneboy 發表於: 2008/06/26 00:15am
    Hi Mr. ericfhtang,

    I'm currently reading 岳邦定老師的易卦透天機
    I'm a very beginner and I have some question to this book. On P. 105, 岳邦定老師 made an example about Ms. Kao. He said this 卦, the 世爻 is 戌(土) but why it needed to be 抑制? I don't understand here.. can you explain? BTW, do you know whether 岳邦定老師 has open class to teach 六爻? I want to learn from him directly if possible.. Thank you for your help!

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