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    rainbow 發表於: 2006/02/14 09:26pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/02/14 08:34pm 第 2 次編輯]




    Policewoman in serious condition

    A 23-year-old policewoman is in a serious but stable condition in hospital after being shot while investigating a burglary in Nottingham.

    Rachael Bown, a probationary officer, was shot as she investigated a burglary shortly before midnight on Monday.

    Ms Bown, who was nearing the end of her two-year probation, was only recently transferred to the city centre.

    She was on duty with an experienced male officer when she was shot in the abdomen below her body armour.

    The attack took place about half a mile from where the burglary took place.

    Stab-proof vest

    Chief Superintendent Marcus Beale said Miss Bown underwent emergency surgery at the city's Queen's Medical Centre and her family are at her bedside.

    Mr Beale said it was not clear whether the gunman was connected to the burglary on Lenton Boulevard.

    No one has been arrested but a major investigation is under way, police said.

    The road was cordoned off for more than half a mile as forensic teams carried out a search of both crime scenes.

    Victor Bates, whose wife Marian was shot dead by armed robbers at their jewellery shop in Arnold, Nottingham, in September 2003, said police officers should be armed.

    He said: "We have got to show the criminals there's nowhere to hide and we have got to arm the police so that criminals know they will be caught."

    However Britain's most senior police chief, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair and the Association of Chief Police Officers oppose the idea.

    Pc Bown was wearing the standard issue equipment used by Nottinghamshire Police which is stab proof that has a level of protection against bullets.

    Jon Collins, leader of Nottingham City Council, has insisted that gun crime is still rare in the city.

    Councillor Collins said the police and the council, working together, had made "great strides" in tackling the problem.

    He said: "I am shocked and saddened by the news that Rachael Bown was shot.

    "Whilst this is a shocking incident, gun crime is an increasingly rare occurrence."

    Police said the number of shootings fell by 74% in 2005.

    無尾蜂 發表於: 2006/02/15 09:06am

    下面引用由tkm2006/02/14 11:24pm 發表的內容:

    tkm 發表於: 2006/02/14 11:25pm
    ©緣生術數研究社 -- 術數研究   IB2O
    Probationary officer, Rachael Bown, 23`
    tkm 發表於: 2006/02/14 11:24pm
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