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主題標題: 狂飆印度 股價飛越萬點大關
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    文章一覽:狂飆印度 股價飛越萬點大關 (新回覆在最前面)  [列出前 6 個回覆]
    炒蝦拆蟹 發表於: 2006/02/24 00:51am


    GerryWu 發表於: 2006/02/23 09:30pm
    会漲就是会漲 沒敗象就是会漲
    az259 發表於: 2006/02/10 03:36am
    Originally travel to Boston.......but they decide to leave 2 spot for Ireland.........I win the draw!!!  HEHE!
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/02/09 02:49pm

    下面引用由az2592006/02/10 01:47am 發表的內容:
    it is ok.  my colleague is from Cork......working with him for 3 months at T.O.  i  will take the chance to travel to england.  of course, i will bring in a lot of junk food for them.

    Wow!  So you actually understand what he said to you?  Good for you!

    3 months of intensive course in "Cork English".  This reminds me of my college years, many graduate assistants come from India.  I developed a specialty in "Indian accents comprehesion" after getting more than my fair share of Indian graduate assistants teaching classes.

    az259 發表於: 2006/02/10 01:47am
    it is ok.  my colleague is from Cork......working with him for 3 months at T.O.  i  will take the chance to travel to england.  of course, i will bring in a lot of junk food for them.  
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/02/09 01:27pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/02/09 00:34pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由az2592006/02/09 03:43pm 發表的內容:
    Thanks for the news.  I only read CDN financial news.  Some of those APAC info. may not be up to date.  will work in Cork for a month, putting all the $$$ in BCE


    Do you mean you will be going to Cork, Ireland to work there?

    If yes, get ready for their extremely hard to understand accents.  I had to speak with people from Dublin, Ireland before. Dublin accents are OK, not that hard to understand them.  But then, there were a few Cork people working in Dublin.  Their accents I totally did not get at all, even after I asked them to repeat a few times.  I have to ask the Dublin people to do some "translation".

    I am not exaggerating.  Those Dublin folks know Cork accents are unique.  But I am not sure why they sound so different when they speak English.  Their native tongue is Gaelic, however, it experiences ups and downs over history.  

    unclesam 發表於: 2006/02/10 01:04am

    下面引用由az2592006/02/09 03:45pm 發表的內容:
    BTW, that is a good news.  I want the stock to crash!!!  hehe!



    這是福井俊彥目前為止, 發放最強烈的訊息, 顯示央行超寬鬆貨幣政策可能即將終結.
    09/02/2006 08:12 PM

    the Japanese market is always difficult to predict... they can say "Hai" to you but they mean "No"
    az259 發表於: 2006/02/09 03:45pm
    BTW, that is a good news.  I want the stock to crash!!!  hehe!  
    az259 發表於: 2006/02/09 03:43pm
    Thanks for the news.  I only read CDN financial news.  Some of those APAC info. may not be up to date.  will work in Cork for a month, putting all the $$$ in BCE
    unclesam 發表於: 2006/02/09 03:12pm

    下面引用由az2592006/02/09 01:57am 發表的內容:
    I am pretty cautious.  However, sterilization of the Yen will happen for sure since both sides agree they are printing too much.  As I mentioned last yr., I will probably pull back from energy sec ...



    他又指, 目前日本本土只有三個主要城市地價上漲, 其他地方的地價就仍然下跌 .

    日本央行較早時公布, 經過為期兩天的政策會議後, 九名委員會委員以七比二的票數, 維持貨幣政策不變.

    不過 , 市場人士就估計 , 央行可能最快在四至六月季度, 結束超寬鬆貨幣政策
    az259 發表於: 2006/02/09 01:57am
    I am pretty cautious.  However, sterilization of the Yen will happen for sure since both sides agree they are printing too much.  As I mentioned last yr., I will probably pull back from energy sector in March.  Metals stocks are too high now........not many good buy.  I am waiting for NT to drops back down to CDN 3.20 range.  NT earning report will come out in about 10 days......I would rather wait and see.  My top pick are still BVF
    unclesam 發表於: 2006/02/09 01:18am

    下面引用由GerryWu2006/02/09 01:13am 發表的內容:

    Japan market? only if there is no earthquake....
    GerryWu 發表於: 2006/02/09 01:13am
    unclesam 發表於: 2006/02/09 01:13am

    下面引用由az2592006/02/09 01:05am 發表的內容:
    I will wait till second quarter to see how the Japanese government will set their fiscal policy

    some house views expect no change til 4Q06.
    and i believe in that too. Kozumi does not want to raise rate and it is not a secret anymore.  March will be time for repatriating overseas profit back to Japan. so i expect the Yen will fell til March so those companies can report higher earnings.
    az259 發表於: 2006/02/09 01:05am
    Again, ppl and analyst just ignore the interest rate in Japan.  Their fiscal policy will be a catalyst to the crash of the market!!!  First time in 15 yrs, Bank of Japan and Japanese government both agree "We are printing too much money"  Be very careful on gold and real estate!  unclecam, just take my 10% profit on CGR.  I will wait till second quarter to see how the Japanese government will set their fiscal policy.  Still trading oil and gas now for short term.  I don't follow assets and stocks in developing countries.  
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/02/08 00:23pm
    <pre>I wouldn't personally buy stocks in foreign countries, unless through well-known mutual funds who do the legwork on these companies, or through ADR to get some comfort level.  

    The accounting standards and government oversight might not be as strict, sometimes, you don't know what you are getting yourself into.

    India's growth potential is not to be overlooked.  Majority of the people in India speak English, a significant amount of them are highly educated.  The middle class (by Western standard) is emerging there.  

    The job turnover rate is quite high in India.  Major multinational corporations compete for talents there.  </pre>
    unclesam 發表於: 2006/02/09 00:01am
    yes...but be careful
    the PE is the most expensive among all developing countries.
    it is 16.1x now, consider Korea is just 9-10x...

    most house views have underweight ratings on India this year.
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/02/08 10:45am
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/02/08 09:49am 第 2 次編輯]

    <pre>狂飆印度 股價飛越萬點大關










    汽車股也因為市場預期汽車公司可望自汽車與商用車銷售量增加中受惠,漲勢凌厲,塔塔汽車(Tata Motors)大漲3.7%,762.1盧比,馬魯提優迪歐(Maruti Udyog)勁升2.6%,漲到755.2盧比。 (聯合新聞網)


     印度孟買30種股價指數7日突破萬點,收盤時大漲101.86點,站上10,082.28點歷史新高。圖為印度孟買證交所的外觀。(美聯社)  </pre>

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