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主題標題: 州長宮府的風水有問題?? 新州連續三州長 任內斷腿
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    文章一覽:州長宮府的風水有問題?? 新州連續三州長 任內斷腿 (新回覆在最前面)  [列出前 6 個回覆]
    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/29 02:13pm
    New Jersey Governor's Mansion Address:  

    354 Stockton Street
    Princeton, NJ 08540

    It is open to visitors.


    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/28 11:50am


    Jon Corzine (柯翟) 車禍後,26日首度露面。【美聯社】New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine rests his broken leg on a stool as he looks through get well cards while sitting in a chair in his hospital room at Cooper University Hospital Thursday April 26, 2007, in Camden, N.J. Corzine, speaking publicly for the first time since he was seriously injured in an automobile accident two weeks ago, said Thursday that feels blessed to be alive. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)


    New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine smiles as he greets son Jeff Corzine, while looking through get well cards in his hospital room at Cooper University Hospital Thursday April 26, 2007, in Camden, N.J. Corzine, speaking publicly for the first time since he was seriously injured in an automobile accident two weeks ago, said Thursday that feels blessed to be alive. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

    自稱是全世界最幸運的人 市民要求法官懲罰未繫安全帶






    新州居民安奇(Larry Angel)已向法院提出市民異議文件,要求懲罰州長未按法律規定繫安全帶,法官定下周審核此案,如果確定違法,柯翟將被罰46元。



    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/28 11:48am

    下面引用由借風2007/04/23 10:10pm 發表的內容:
    What is the South Addition used for ?
    Can someone point out on this picture where is the South addition?
    Why is i ...

    我建議你, 如果你有時間休假到美國旅遊, 你可以拜訪新澤西州長的 Governor's Mansion, Governor's Mansion 位於普林斯頓 (Princeton, New Jersey), 地方是開放給遊客

    New Jersey State House 位於 Trenton, New Jersey.  它也是開放給遊客

    Governor's Mansion 接近常春藤名校普林斯頓大學 (Princeton University) , 也接近著名製藥廠 Bristol-Myers Squibb。在普林斯頓地區有很多玉米田農地。我的駕駛技術差, 方向感很差的, 我不做危險駕駛, 我也不懂風水,不能給你任何準確的 description of the building。加上汽油價格每加侖大約 3 美元,新澤西州有很多高速公路是收費公路。

    乘搭飛機到費城國際機場 (Philadelphia International Airport), 費城是最接近新澤西州的 Trenton 和 Princeton(普林斯頓) 的大城市。

    借風 發表於: 2007/04/23 10:10pm
    [這篇文章最後由借風在 2007/04/23 10:14pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由rainbow2007/04/20 08:57pm 發表的內容:
    New Jersey State House - the place where the Governor and other state officials work.

    What is the South Addition used for ?
    Can someone point out on this picture where is the South addition?

    Why is it I cannot see the dome from Google Map? The map is outdated?

    Map here:
    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/22 03:48pm
     New Jersey State House: interior photos.  




     Painted Ceiling Room


     Senate Chamber  


      Senate Conference Room  


      South Addition Lobby  


      State House Annex  


    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/22 03:42pm

    下面引用由rainbow2007/04/21 09:20pm 發表的內容:
    Indeed, Jon Corzine is seriously injured. One week after the car accident, he is still on a ventilator. Obviously he is unable to breathe on his own.

    News update:  Jon Corzine is able to breathe on his own.

    科津可講話飲流食 幕僚盼州長復出







    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/20 08:20pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2007/04/21 09:23pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由借風2007/04/16 11:33pm 發表的內容:
    Very real, on CNN. He was lucky to be alive. The governor's car was badly damaged.

    Indeed, Jon Corzine is seriously injured. One week after the car accident, he is still on a ventilator. Obviously he is unable to breathe on his own.


    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/19 07:57pm


     New Jersey State House - the place where the Governor and other state officials work.





    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/19 07:54pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2007/04/20 08:55pm 第 1 次編輯]

    下面引用由借風2007/04/15 00:27pm 發表的內容:
    New Jersey State House started a long renovation project in 1987
    Anyone know when it is completed? One sure thing, it is completely revamped comparing the historical pictures and current house. Al ...


    The History of the New Jersey State House

    Located in the heart of Trenton, the New Jersey State House is history come alive. Our State House is the second oldest still in use. (Maryland has the oldest.) For more than 200 years, New Jersey Senators, Assemblymen, and Governors have been making the laws of the state in this building.

    In 1999, the restoration of the State House dome was completed. The project began in October, 1996. The dome is covered with 48,000 pieces of gold leaf. Each piece of gold leaf cost $1.00 and was paid for with money raised by New Jersey school kids through the "Dimes for the Dome" program. As a thank you for their contributions, the dome stands in honor of New Jersey children.

    While the recent dome restoration cost more than $9 million, the original State House cost only $400 to construct. Architect Jonathan Doane designed the building, and it was completed in 1792. The building originally had a bell tower instead of a dome. The Senate and Assembly met on the first floor, and the Governor's office was on the second floor.

    As New Jersey got more legislators, it needed a bigger State House. In 1845, famous architect John Notman began the project of enlarging and improving the building. Notman designed a rotunda with an 80-foot dome to connect the old building to a new structure. He also added a porch with eight pillars and modernized the Senate chamber. In 1872 the Capitol was further renovated as new Senate and Assembly chambers were constructed. Architect Samuel Sloan oversaw the project.

    Unfortunately, on March 21, 1885, most of the State House was destroyed in a devastating fire. The building blazed for hours. Luckily, no one was hurt, and the Governor's Office, Senate and Assembly chambers, and the courts remained standing. Most of the historical documents were saved as well, thanks to Notman's fireproofing of the building 40 years earlier. However, the walls and roof were weakened, and the rotunda and dome were destroyed.

    In 1889, Lewis Broome began planning the repair of the State House. The rotunda and a new 145-foot dome were built, bigger and better than before. The dome is made of cast iron covered with copper and gold leaf. It weighs 205,640 pounds. The Latin phrase "Fiat Justitia Ruat Coelum" is written on the rotunda. It means "There must be justice even though the heavens fall."

    Broome further expanded the State House in American Renaissance style with a three-story wing on State Street and a redesigned Assembly wing. Occasional expansions were made through 1912. The main corridor was updated in the 1950s, but no major structural changes have been made since then.

    Today the State House continues to serve New Jersey as both a historical monument and a place of work.



    孏he New Jersey State House Today?
    For more than 200 years, the New Jersey State House has proudly served as the seat of our State government. While occupants have come and gone, it remains home to the State Legislature, the Governor's office and other Executive branch offices. In addition to quartering our elected officials, the State House stands as an impressive historic monument, rich in tradition and style. In fact, part of the original 1792 structure still exists, making our state capitol the second oldest in continuous use.

    A long renovation project began in 1987, which addressed structural, mechanical and electrical deficiencies in the State House, restored the legislative portion of the building and added legislative office space, known as the South Addition. Next, the State House Annex was renovated and a pedestrian tunnel and multi-level parking garage constructed. A public-private partnership allowed for the golden dome and interior rotunda space to be refurbished. A Welcome Center, cafeteria and landscaped "Plaza" are the most recent improvements.

    Hundreds of craftspeople and workers participated in these efforts, including carpenters, painters, electricians and plasterers, who dedicated months - in some cases, years - to the restoration and construction projects. Craftspeople specializing in such areas as stained glass restoration, gilding, millworking and decorative molding painstakingly recreated original details of the chambers, rotunda and Annex.  

    Under the New Jersey Arts Inclusion Act, state artists were commissioned to create artworks to commemorate this new chapter in the capitol's history. John Goodyear's marble bas-relief in the South Addition lobby depicts famous lawgivers of the ages. Marquetry walls by artist Hiroshi Murata incorporate architectural details in the intricate design of inlaid wood. A water sculpture by Clyde Lynds is a lively focal point for the Plaza. Many other impressive works are found throughout the complex.

    Memorabilia related to the history of the State House and Legislature are displayed in an exhibit space on the third floor. Additional exhibits are contained in the Welcome Center. Daily tours of the State House are available Monday through Saturday.

    Today, the New Jersey State House is a building all residents can be proud of. Visitors are encouraged to tour the building and learn more about its historical past. As home of our state democratic process, it will continue to serve the citizens of New Jersey as they come to participate in the shaping of public policy.

    借風 發表於: 2007/04/16 11:33pm

    下面引用由keyarea2007/04/16 04:01pm 發表的內容:
    Is the story real?

    Very real, on CNN. He was lucky to be alive. The governor's car was badly damaged.
    keyarea 發表於: 2007/04/16 04:01pm
    Is the story real?
    借風 發表於: 2007/04/15 00:27pm

    下面引用由rainbow2007/04/15 04:08pm 發表的內容:
    我好奇, 當他們是州長時, 是否三個州長也住在州長的宮府 (Governor's Mansion) 或在他們原來的家住。此外,除了連續三個州長腿受傷,因為一些理由, 他們也不能完成他們的州長任期。

    New Jersey State House started a long renovation project in 1987

    Anyone know when it is completed? One sure thing, it is completely revamped comparing the historical pictures and current house. Also during the renovation, is the governor working inside?

    The new golden dome 金頂 looks very prominent.
    I would very much like to know when the South Addition was completed.
    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/14 03:11pm
    新州連續三州長 任內斷腿


    新州州長柯翟12日晚受傷斷腿,這使他與前州長民主黨籍的麥格瑞維(James E. McGreevey)和共和黨籍的克莉絲蒂.惠特曼(Christie Whitman)有相同的遭遇。

    麥格瑞維2002年2月上任僅兩周,偕夫人夜間在五月角 (Cape May)的海灘散步時,不慎摔斷左腿,結果需要在大腿骨裝上一根鈦條,持拐杖走路數周。





    【美聯社新澤西州翠登市十三日電】因州長柯翟12日晚在一宗嚴重車禍中重傷,現由州參議會主席柯迪(Richard J. Codey)出任代州長一職。這已成為新州常見的情況。




    2001年,新州第一次由州參議會主席出任代州長,因州長克莉絲蒂.惠特曼赴華府加入布希政府,所以由當時的州參議會主席迪法蘭西斯科(Donald DiFrancesco)出任代州長一年。


    rainbow 發表於: 2007/04/14 03:08pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2007/04/15 04:11pm 第 1 次編輯]

    我好奇, 當他們是州長時, 是否三個州長也住在州長的宮府 (Governor's Mansion) 或在他們原來的家住。此外,除了連續三個州長腿受傷,因為一些理由, 他們也不能完成他們的州長任期。

    1) Christie Todd Whitman 州長-- 赴華府加入布希政府,所以由當時的州參議會主席迪法蘭西斯科(Donald DiFrancesco)出任代州長一年。

    2) Jim McGreevey 州長 -- 於2004年公開宣布自己是同性戀者後辭職,由柯迪接任他餘下的14個月任期後,才開始推動設立副州長。麥格瑞維下台時,所剩任期來不及舉行補選。

    3) Jon Corzine  州長 -- Ha ha!  他知法犯法, 沒有扣緊安全帶, 自食其果, he should know this was coming!!!!!!!!!






     哈哈!  新澤西州長 Jon Corzine, 知法犯法, 沒有扣緊安全帶, 自食其果

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