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    文章一覽:[分享] 難得“聰明”的CEO (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    rainbow 發表於: 2007/02/11 02:28pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2007/02/12 03:30pm 第 1 次編輯]

    I heard the following on Bloomberg radio a few days ago.

    The CEO of Disney, Robert Iger, was interviewed by Bloomberg radio. Iger openly admitted that the earnings from theme park in Hong Kong was very DISAPPOINTING, that it was the "weakest link" to Disney's earnings.  Disney's earnings were helped tremendously by blockbuster movies, "Pirate of the Caribbean 2", and the hit TV show, "Grey's Anatomy".  

    Don't let propaganda distort reality!  The Disney Hong Kong theme park is a disappointment per CEO Robert Iger.



    Disney Shares Rise After First-Quarter Profit Doubles (Update2)

    By Andy Fixmer

    Feb. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Shares of Walt Disney Co., the second- largest
    U.S. media company, rose after first-quarter profit beat analysts'
    estimates on DVD sales of ``Pirates of the Caribbean'' and ``Cars.''

    The stock gained as much as 1.7 percent as Deutsche Bank analysts raised
    their share price target and J.P. Morgan Securities analyst Imran Khan
    boosted his revenue estimates. Disney yesterday said net income more
    than doubled and sales jumped 9.8 percent in the period ended Dec. 30.

    Studio profit rose fourfold to $604 million on a 29 percent increase in
    sales. The report followed earnings from News Corp. that also beat
    estimates, driven by the hit movie ``Borat.'' Shares of Disney, which
    touched a six-year high of $35.97 on Jan. 19, were poised to extend
    their gains.

    ``The results certainly support the share price given the strength of
    the studio,'' Aryeh Bourkoff, an analyst with UBS Securities LLC, said
    of Disney's shares. ``The question is: How many more quarters like this
    do they have left?''

    Shares of Disney, also the world's biggest theme-park operator, rose 45
    cents to $35.93 at 9:36 a.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite
    trading after earlier reaching $36.09. The stock had gained 33 percent
    in the past year before today.

    Profit excluding a gain on asset sales was 50 cents, beating the 40-cent
    average estimate in a Bloomberg survey. to $1.7 billion, or 79 cents a
    share, from a year earlier, while sales jumped 9.8 percent to $9.73
    billion, Burbank, California-based Disney said yesterday.

    News Corp.

    J.P. Morgan's Khan, who is based in New York, said the results
    ``significantly'' exceeded his estimates, prompting him to increase his
    revenue predictions for this year to $36.1 billion from $35.5 billion.
    Deutsche Bank analysts raised their forecast for the stock 2.4 percent
    to $42.

    News Corp., the third-largest media company, said yesterday that
    second-quarter profit rose 18 percent to $822 million, or 26 cents a
    share, from $694 million, or 21 cents, excluding a gain from asset sales
    in the year-ago period. Revenue at the New York- based company jumped 18
    percent to $7.84 billion.

    Shares of News Corp., also trading at six-year highs, rose 38 cents to
    $23.72. They had advanced 48 percent in the past year before today.

    Time Warner

    News Corp. and Disney are benefiting at the expense of larger rival Time
    Warner Inc. Sales at the New York-based company's film division slumped
    15 percent in the fourth quarter, the company said on Jan. 31, as DVD
    releases including ``Superman Returns'' weren't enough to match DVD
    sales of ``Harry Potter'' a year earlier.

    Overall, Time Warner's profit rose 35 percent, driven by its cable-TV
    unit. The shares have climbed 19 percent in the past year before today.

    The volatility of the studio business makes it hard to predict whether
    Disney can keep up its streak, said New York- based Bourkoff, who has a
    ``neutral'' rating on Disney shares and doesn't own them.

    ``The company is going to need support from its other segments going
    forward,'' Bourkoff said.

    Chief Executive Officer Robert Iger said in an interview that this
    ``should be a good year for the studio overall,'' with the release of
    the third film in the ``Pirates'' series, ``Meet the Robinsons'' and
    ``Ratatouille'' from Pixar.


    Disney's first-quarter profit included a gain of $1.1 billion from the
    sale of interests in E! Entertainment Television and US Weekly, as well
    as costs of $48 million for equity-based compensation. Sales beat the
    $9.53 billion average estimate.

    In the year-earlier period, Disney posted net income of $734 million, or
    37 cents a share.

    Income at Disney's media networks surged 24 percent, helped by spot, or
    scatter, advertising sales for ABC shows such as ``Grey's Anatomy'' and
    Monday Night Football on ESPN.

    Moving football opened space for advertising sales at ABC, Chief
    Financial Officer Thomas Staggs said on a conference call.

    ``They have really bolstered their Thursday night, which has been an
    Achilles heel for two decades,'' said Brad Adgate, director of research
    with Horizon Media Inc. in New York.

    Iger, 55, is adding theme-park attractions and developing video games
    based on Pixar characters to sustain profit growth after net income
    surged 33 percent in the year ended Sept. 30.

    Lower attendance and guest spending at the company's Hong Kong resort
    hurt theme-park profit. In an interview, Iger said the company is
    meeting challenges at the park ``head-on.''

    To contact the reporter on this story: Andy Fixmer in Los Angeles at
    [email protected]

    Last Updated: February 8, 2007 09:42 EST
    緣生 發表於: 2006/12/23 10:40pm

    下面引用由心易先天數2006/12/21 01:47pm 發表的內容:

    supralex 發表於: 2006/12/22 11:25am

    下面引用由rainbow2006/12/22 03:38pm 發表的內容:
    <pre>這是最近的新聞, 紐約市市長是猶太裔美國人 - 白手興家的億萬富翁。同樣地, 在美國很多大公司高職位主管人員是猶太裔。猶太裔是十分精明的商人 - 也相信猶太宗教, 宗教意念強 - 甚至 non-practicing  ...美國能成為世界其中一個最富的國家是因為他們知道如何利用其他人得益,  坦率意圖, 沒有隱藏事實, 如果你願意接受提議和條件, 是"公平競爭".  美國人建造國家超過200 年歷史, 沒有依賴風水建國。




    rainbow 發表於: 2006/12/21 08:04pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/12/22 09:05pm 第 1 次編輯]


    十分精明的猶太裔在美國政治和經濟裡是很活躍的.  西班牙公司 CEMUSA 在紐約市興建 3300座新公車候車亭、330個新報攤,以及20個嶄新的公共廁所, 這些設施完全是 CEMUSA 自費,紐約市沒有花費一分錢免費享用公車亭新設施.  因為紐約市市長是猶太人.  西班牙公司 CEMUSA 還要付錢給紐約市政府,以換取在這些廁所、候車亭及報攤刊登廣告。
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/12/21 02:38pm
    <pre>這是最近的新聞, 紐約市市長是猶太裔美國人 - 白手興家的億萬富翁。同樣地, 在美國很多大公司高職位主管人員是猶太裔。猶太裔是十分精明的商人 - 也相信猶太宗教, 宗教意念強 - 甚至 non-practicing / non-religious 的猶太人在最神聖的猶太假期,他們也出席猶太教堂, 猶太人相信自己的種族是神最寵愛的兒女, 用自己的手建立自己的命運 。

    迪斯尼沒有花很多錢在香港迪斯尼, 同樣地,紐約市也是沒有花費一分錢免費享用公車亭新設施.  承包商是西班牙公司 CEMUSA自費興建這些設施, 還要付錢給紐約市政府刊登廣告!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    美國能成為世界其中一個最富的國家是因為他們知道如何利用其他人得益,  坦率意圖, 沒有隱藏事實, 如果你願意接受提議和條件, 是"公平競爭".  美國人建造國家超過200 年歷史, 沒有依賴風水建國。


    <pre>首座新型公車亭 皇后區啟用
    彭博率首長隆重揭幕 報攤也全面更新 華裔業者憂喜參半


    紐約市長彭博(Michael Bloomberg)19日率領局處首長共同在皇后區皇后大道與82大道(82 Avenue)交口,為第一座全新的公車亭揭幕。陪同出席的市交通局長溫紹爾(Iris Weinshall)說,新的公車亭將提供更好的照明和公車路線資訊,造福250萬使用公車的乘客。






    不過她說,是好是壞,都要做了以後才知道。 </pre>
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/12/21 02:34pm
    <pre>文化不同, 很多西方國家相信基督教 /天主教, 有根深蒂固的宗教文化, 風水聽起來像是迷信, 給一個 analogy -- 像非洲的 voodoo. 在西方,需要 "包裝" 風水是 與大自然/ 環境和諧相聯 - 像是日本 Zen Buddhism - 避開誤會迷信 - 否則很難 sell。

    風水在外國只是短暫的時尚, 西方人相信自己有能力, 不會為至關重要的事情取決於 "外來" 的風水. 因為意味著他們能力太弱, 需要外力幫助他們 - 是不公平競爭. 這是另一個文化差別.

    西方國家宗教意念強, 除非有 "奇蹟" 迫使這些人放棄上帝 / 宗教,  接受 "原裝" 風水 "外力"幫助 - 因為現在"包裝" 的風水, 強調是 與自然環境和諧 - 有 New Age 的語調 sell 風水。</pre>

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