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---- definition numbers??? (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=14&topic=1023)

-- 作者: AR
-- 發表時間: 2005/07/09 11:27am

Just wondering what are numbers 0 to 9 means in Chinese astronomy. eg. I have heard that 1 is belong to wood, means good.

not sure, please teach me.

-- 作者: nlut
-- 發表時間: 2005/07/09 00:33pm

Do you have Chinese input ? It's more easy for Mr. Xinyi to help you as you know English cann't express the exact meaning of Chinese, specifically for I Ching and WuShu.

If you don't have chinese sys, go to:
where you could download free chinese input software. more important, it would be installed without admin power.

In case it doesn't work on your PC, I'll follow up to translate your posting into Chinese so to make sure you get feedback ASAP.


-- 作者: 心易先天數
-- 發表時間: 2005/07/09 04:42pm


-- 作者: AR
-- 發表時間: 2005/07/15 11:38am

Thanks for the reply. I would like to use Chinese input, but I am sorry I don't know Chinese typing. so am forced to input English. My PC can read Chinese characters, so please feel free to reply in Chinese.

If this will bother you alot, please let me know, then I will figure out ways to input Chinese characters. Perhaps, I will use the "writing board" next time.

-- 作者: rainbow
-- 發表時間: 2005/07/15 08:48pm


蒙恬筆 - for lazy people like me who don't want to learn how to type Chinese. I also use online dictionary to search for Chinese words I had forgotten how to write.


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