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-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2005/06/26 10:40am 第 1 次編輯] 2004 年 12 月 26 日發生在印尼外海芮氏9級地震,造成世紀海嘯以及數百萬人流離失所,為此失去生命的人數更逼近30萬。災區被毀壞的景象和受災人的悲痛透過媒體的傳播驚動全球。 地震或海嘯造成的天災,目前無法以科學方式有效防範。但是可以在地震或海嘯還未造成全面災難之前,利用整合的傳播系統通知一般大眾,以便民眾避難,減輕受害的程度與降低死亡的數目。 美國加州州長急難處理辦公室聯合加州柏克萊大學、加州理工學院、加州政府地理研究室和美國政府地理研究地震危機單位,共同組成CISN (加州整體地震記錄偵測網),目的是為大眾福利著想,利用群體資源、研究、監測、整理、發佈有關地震的消息。其中一項便民的工具是電子地震警告通知。 有意者可以選擇依地震發生的地點或級數接收通知。或只設定接收芮氏 3.5 級以上的警告通知。電子地震警告通知可以發布到電子信箱、Pager、PDA、 Blackberry 或手機。 如果您有意接收電子地震警告通知 可以到以下網站登記: 全美國地震警告通知 北加州警告通知 南加州警告通知 全球地震警告通知 地震不只是發生在地表。在太平洋海盆底有一條火環 (Ring of Fire),是海洋板塊與大陸板塊交接處,此處海底地震和海底火山爆發發生頻繁,曾經產生芮氏 9 級以上的海底地震。最近一次是 1964 年芮氏 9.2 級的海底地震,造成太平洋大海嘯,臨海國家大多受難。位於美國阿拉斯加的西海岸/阿拉斯加海嘯警告中心 (WC/ATWC) 的前身就是在此事件後成立。WC/ATWC 研究偵測的地區包括美國大西洋、墨西哥灣、阿拉斯加,以及加拿英格蘭哥倫比亞海岸。 另一海嘯警告中心是位於美國夏威夷依哇灘太平洋海嘯警告中心 (PTWC)。PTWC 提供大多數位在太平洋海盆底火環上的國家海嘯警告和 WC/ATWC 未包括的其他太平洋地區。一旦海嘯警告發出,美國氣象局 (NWS) 就啟動緊急警報 (EAS)。地方政府單位依情決定反應措施。 您如果希望接收電子海嘯警告通知,可以到以下網站登記: http://ioc.unesco.org/indotsunami/subscribe_warning.htm
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2008/05/21 02:15pm 第 2 次編輯] [b][color=blue]http://quake.exit.com/A080520.html [/b][/color] I checked this Earthquake Cloud Prediction website recently, the person who maintains the website decided to take a long break since Sept 2007 due to lack of monetary funding, and his wish to spend more time with his grandchildren. He posted the following message recently on his message. He wrote it in English and Simplified Chinese version. I also converted the Simplified Chinese version into Traditional Chinese version to make it easier to read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://quake.exit.com/A080520.html EARTHQUAKE CLOUDS AND A serious social problem helps devastating earthquakes
Although the United Nations published my paper “Bam Earthquake Prediction & Space Technology” into its yearbook [2] and shared the book to its all members during the 42nd Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee in Vienna from 21 Feb. 2005 to 4 Mar., the serious satellite data problems and the earthquake data problems I mentioned have not been solved. I was eager to walk up the society to solve those problems, so all large earthquakes would be able to be predicted exactly in a circle of 20 km and a magnitude error +/- 0.2. Due to a social problem, my effort has not been successful. Moreover, I have health problems and have to take care of my little grandson, Thus, I have stopped to predict earthquakes since Sept. 27, 2007[3]. Now, let me reveal the social problem. In Sept. 2004, the National Geographic organized a film competition in Singapore. One week before it, the Indian Miditech TV Company wrote me for a 4-minute-tape of my work in hurry. I did it, by which the company won a fund for a one-hour film called "Chase Earthquake". I was very happy and prepared a 73-page PowerPoint for it to wake up governments. However, the company had a plan to shoot various predictors in American, India and China, and gave me about 4 minutes in the film. I told them that the Nature Debates in 1999 had denied all those widely studied precursors, and I could not show my work in so little time, but they insisted in their way. Therefore, I had to reject the shoot [4].
In the USA, Alan Jones put his “Fair Review” out to attack me under many witnesses, but failed after my defense in 2007 [6]. Three doctors urge the editor of the Seismological Research Letter to publish my paper. Unfortunately, she was not the editor anymore. As a result, my effort to solve those data problems by publishing the paper failed. Moreover, Gerstenberger, M.C. et al. claim, “Despite a lack of reliable deterministic earthquake precursors” without evidence to deny my work in Nature and boasted “Real-time forecasts of tomorrow’s earthquakes in California”. Their paper is wrong for it has neither a model to explain essential earthquake phenomena e.g. the Bam cloud in theory, nor statistical significant predictions to demonstrate its reliability in practice. Moreover, terms of foreshock and aftershock do not have scientific definitions [7]. Their paper confuses people and is publication pollution.
In 1994, I applied a fund from the USA, but failed. One reason was no donation. Therefore, I appealed people for donation in our web site in 2002. A little people did it. A few people even insulted me. This fact implies that people seem not really to worry about earthquakes. It makes me feel ironic because I gave up a right to receive $2,000 I deserved for transforming my patent and a good opportunity for a technical consultant in 1994. I had separated with my dear wife for 12 years for mu dream. I spent pity scholarship of my older daughter for living in the USA to do my research. What did I receive? The above facts shows that a serious social problem helps devastating earthquakes Now, let me discuss the cloud. After seeing the data of the USGS in the evening on May 12, I checked the vapor precursors immediately, and found them from May 2 to 12. On May 14, a man claimed his earthquake cloud photos taken a month ago, but I declined. Later, a friend told me the cloud photos two days before the earthquake on TV, which is right [8]. The following satellite image shows the exact epicenter [9] that makes me fell very sorry and upset because in this case, if governments had supported me a little fund to maintain my web site, I would have predicted this killer exactly to save many people.
-- 作者: rainbow
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 一個嚴重的社會問題幫助了災難性地震- May 18, 2008 -