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-- 作者: 無尾蜂
-- 發表時間: 2006/04/21 11:18am


-- 作者: 九千
-- 發表時間: 2006/04/21 00:25pm

Chase 不用chase.com 域名。這是他們自找來的麻煩,要客戶承擔。


-- 作者: rainbow
-- 發表時間: 2006/04/21 10:02pm

Not just Chase.  I have received e-mails purportedly from Barclays Bank, Citibank etc (I don't have accounts with them).  I automatically click on the "Spam Mail" buttons.  

The best thing to do is:  NEVER reply to e-mail solicitations.

I only telephone the local branch of my bank or walk to the bank branch for help.

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