-- 作者: rainbow
-- 發表時間: 2006/04/30 08:22pm
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/05/01 08:25pm 第 2 次編輯]
[UploadFile=AntiWar1_1146442692.jpg] [b][color=blue] 多達30萬人29日在紐約市曼哈坦下城參加反戰示威大遊行,要求美國立即自伊拉克撤軍,並反對向伊朗採取軍事行動。圖為如潮水般的民眾行經百老匯的壯觀場面。 Anti-war activists march down Broadway, to protest the war in Iraq , with thousands of supporters in New York April 29, 2006. The marchers demanded an immediate withdrawal of troops, the same day news organizations noted April as being the most deadly month for U.S. troops in Iraq, with at least 69 killed. REUTERS/Chip East Reuters - Apr 29 11:21 AM[/b][/color] [UploadFile=AntiWar2_1146442767.jpg] [b][color=blue] 來自台灣的學生鄭雅云29日「單槍匹馬」參加遊行,表達反戰的心聲。(本報記者陳芝怡攝)[/b][/color] <pre>紐約30萬人反戰示威 批征伊拉克非法 促立撤軍 勿用兵伊朗 2006-04-30 世界新聞網 【本報綜合廿九日電訊報導】多達30萬民眾29日在紐約市曼哈坦下城舉行大規模反戰示威,要求美軍立即撤出伊拉克,並誓言今夏還有更多示威。示威開始前數小時,新的統計數字顯示,本月在伊陣亡美軍已達70人,為今年最多士兵陣亡的月份。 許多全國知名人物參加了這次反戰示威,其中包括奧斯卡影后蘇珊•莎蘭登(Susan Sarandon)、非洲裔民權領袖傑克森牧師(Rev. Jesse Jackson)、非洲裔民權牧師夏普頓(Rev. Al Sharpton)、「反戰媽媽」辛蒂•席漢(Cindy Sheehan)等。 美聯社引用主辦人士的話說,約30萬人參加遊行。警方發言人則拒絕提供人數估計。示威人群聲勢浩大,遊行隊伍綿延約10個街口,沿百老匯(Broadway)行進。遊行非常和平,警方未逮捕任何示威者。 主辦單位表示,除了要求自伊拉克撤軍,示威者還表示反對向伊朗採取軍事行動。伊朗正因意圖研發核子武器而遭到國際批評。 在華府,布希總統29日藉每周例行電台廣播演說,警告在伊拉克還有艱苦戰鬥,並稱讚伊拉克政界人士立場堅定,不受凱達恐怖組織頭子的威脅,努力組成全國團結的新政府。他說:「伊拉克繼續向民主邁進,在自治和自衛方面繼續有進展,能夠自立自強,就可能有更多美軍能夠光榮返國。」但布希沒有提出撤軍時間表。 </pre>
-- 作者: rainbow
-- 發表時間: 2006/04/30 08:31pm
[UploadFile=AntiWar3_1146443193.jpg] [b][color=blue]Iraq veterans march in an anti-war rally in New York. Thousands gathered to protest the war in Iraq and the policies of US President George W. Bush .(AFP/Don Emmert) AFP - Apr 29 8:41 PM[/b][/color] [UploadFile=AntiWar4_1146443211.jpg] [b][color=blue]Anti-war activists march down Broadway with thousands of supporters in New York April 29, 2006, to protest the war in Iraq . The marchers demanded an immediate withdrawal of troops, the same day news organizations noted April as being the most deadly month for U.S. troops in Iraq, with at least 69 killed. REUTERS/Chip East Reuters - Apr 29 11:56 AM[/b][/color] [UploadFile=AntiWar5_1146443287.jpg] [UploadFile=AntiWar6_1146443313.jpg] [b][color=blue]A tattoo commemorating anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan's son Casey, a soldier killed in Iraq , is seen on her ankle as thousands gather to march down Broadway in New York April 29, 2006, to protest the war in Iraq. The marchers demanded an immediate withdrawal of troops, the same day news organizations noted April as being the most deadly month for U.S. troops in Iraq, with at least 69 killed. REUTERS/Chip East Reuters - Apr 29 11:44 AM[/b][/color][UploadFile=AntiWar7_1146443386.jpg] [b][color=blue]Actress Susan Sarandon listens to anti-war speakers as thousands gather to march down Broadway in New York April 29, 2006, to protest the war in Iraq . The marchers demanded an immediate withdrawal of troops, the same day news organizations noted April as being the most deadly month for US troops in Iraq, with at least 69 killed. REUTERS/Chip East Reuters - Apr 29 11:34 AM[/b][/color] [UploadFile=AntiWar8_1146443423.jpg] [b][color=blue]Anti-war activists Cindy Sheehan (L), Rev. Al Sharpton (2nd L) and actress Susan Sarandon (2nd R) march down Broadway with thousands of supporters in New York April 29, 2006, to protest the war in Iraq . The marchers demanded an immediate withdrawal of troops, the same day news organizations noted April as being the most deadly month for U.S. troops in Iraq, with at least 69 killed. REUTERS/Chip East Reuters - Apr 29 11:33 AM [/b][/color] [UploadFile=AntiWar9_1146443458.jpg]
-- 作者: rainbow
-- 發表時間: 2006/04/30 10:18pm
[UploadFile=AntiWar1_1146449645.jpg] [b][color=blue]一民眾戴著布希總統的面具在擺弄地球模型,象征戰爭的血腥。[/b][/color] [UploadFile=AntiWar2_1146449689.jpg] [b][color=blue]老軍人也參加了示威遊行。[/b][/color] [UploadFile=AntiWar3_1146449806.jpg] [b][color=blue]示威的標語貼上了民眾的額頭。[/b][/color] [UploadFile=AntiWar4_1146449857.jpg] [b][color=blue]遊行示威中,一位小女孩扛起了大旗。[/b][/color]