- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: ericfhtang
[這篇文章最後由緣生在 2008/05/22 06:20pm 第 1 次編輯] 董元辰六爻讀書報告 天機前輩推薦的董元辰六爻斷法頗多高明之處,讀後獲益良多,先在這裡謝過。 我不懂的是既排上八字,為何日干支反而不受重視?這一點董師好像沒有說明。不之哪位師兄可以指點一二。 以下是我嘗試以岳邦定老師的斷法來斷,藍色的字是我註在董師斷語後的一些想法。最妙的發現是兩種斷法一正一反,吉凶的結果卻是一樣,請各位老師前輩批評指教,也歡迎各同道提問。 二、財運 (黑字是董老師的原文) 斷所有的事情都離不開傷食。傷食極爲重要。在當二者同時起好作用 時大富。起壞作用時無財,不富。 經驗:凡是世弱,辰丑持世時,亥水貼世主富。 如果世旺,辰丑持世時,亥水貼世主窮。 例:男占:辛巳 已亥 戊子 丙辰 西元 2001 年 11 月 21 日 9 時 20 分 陰曆 90 年 10 月 7 日 【六獸】【伏 神】 【 本 卦 】 【 變 卦 】 斷:1、世弱宜扶。大富。 2、忌神亥水貼世丑不吉,但辰丑不克亥水,亥水也不耗丑世,主此人富。 4、如辛巳年辛金合神水幫亥水旺。而忌神酉又受亥水瀉,酉弱,辰雖能生酉,但辰力弱,但辰晦午火好,因午空爲忌,晦之大吉。世應兩丑上下皆有亥水相貼,但亥水不耗世,財星起了好作用,酉也起了好作用,酉爲傷食星,起好作用主發財。此人不但有工作,還炒房地産,水在此地不主流動,如傷食爲水主流動,爲跑車、船、運輸、、、此卦印星起了好作用,主搞房地産。當傷食星起好作用時主靈活聰明,口才好,會做生意。 食神酉耗世,酉受應爻化出的辰土生合,應指才幹吧? :em31: 但子絆丑,丑化辰進神,主夫妻鬧矛盾,但離不了婚 子水沖午的現象比較複雜矛盾,可解為沖空填實,世身遭殃,也可解為變爻沖脫,從此消失??? :em13:
-- 作者: ericfhtang
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]ericfhtang[/u]在 [i]2008/05/22 06:00pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 原文看不清楚可看附件. :em03:
-- 作者: ericfhtang [UploadFile=B8B3A4B8A8B0A4BB_1211451383.doc][UploadFile=B8B3A4B8A8B0A4BB_1211451435.doc]
-- 作者: neptuneboy Hi Mr. ericfhtang, I'm currently reading 岳邦定老師的易卦透天機
-- 作者: ericfhtang Neptuneboy, about your question, " He said this 卦, the 世爻 is 戌(土) but why it needed to be 抑制? I don't understand here.. can you explain? ": I belive if you have read chapter13, page 134, you would've known the answer. It has something to do with the balance of energy in a gua( 卦), Master Yuei has not given a systematic explanation either, you just have to follow his rules on the 68 guas. I have no idea that he has any open class at anywhere, you may enquire the publisher of his book, the http is printed on the back of his book.
-- 作者: neptuneboy
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]ericfhtang[/u]在 [i]2008/06/26 10:04am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 2. If his assumption on the 46 卦 needs to be 抑制, 山水蒙 is one of it. Here, 世爻 is 戌. If needs to be 抑制, then the 用神 should be 水(子) , 木(寅). But he said 辰 is one of the 用神 too, is it because the theory on P.116 (i.e. 辰戌沖)? 3. About the 忌神, is it because 午會半合戌成火旺(印)? 4. About the 已日 , will it be 戌的印? Should it be considered as one of the 忌神? 5. 何以知此卦水不旺 , 官不高? Thanks.! :em06:
-- 作者: ericfhtang
【sorry, I should make it clear.. my first question is: he said he 占得 "蒙" 之 "損" 卦. I want to know is it 主卦是山水蒙 and then 變卦是山澤損卦?】 【2. If his assumption on the 46 卦 needs to be 抑制, 山水蒙 is one of it. Here, 世爻 is 戌. If needs to be 抑制, then the 用神 should be 水(子) , 木(寅). But he said 辰 is one of the 用神 too, is it because the theory on P.116 (i.e. 辰戌沖)?】 【3. About the 忌神, is it because 午會半合戌成火旺(印)?】 【4. About the 已日 , will it be 戌的印? Should it be considered as one of the 忌神?】 【5. 何以知此卦水不旺 , 官不高? Thanks.!】
-- 作者: JackChen 依師傳說法,天干之使用,應與六十花甲納音歌訣搭配.....可惜我資質駑鈍,無法參透.....
-- 作者: ericfhtang
jack 兄: 希望對你有幫助.學習很講緣分,不用心急.