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-- 作者: tkm
-- 發表時間: 2006/05/11 10:22am


-- 作者: ccfstella
-- 發表時間: 2006/05/11 07:46pm

do you think  US will  keep  increase the Interest Rate   to ...

->--->  to  5.5%  ( now interest rate is 5%)

-- 作者: tkm
-- 發表時間: 2006/05/12 03:09pm

FOMC's Announcement: "...some further policy firming may [b]yet[/b] be needed to address inflation .... such firming will depend importantly on the evolution of the economic outlook...."

This statement is more or less the same to the previous one (dated 28-3-2006).  The main different is the word "YET".  That means FOMC may or may not increase the interest rate in the near future.  FOMC's approach is that they will not try to forecast the economic future BUT react on what they really see.  In other word, whether the rate will further be increased is uncertain.  

However, in the consideration of the price increase in the commodities market, and increasing interest rate is the only workable weapon FOMC can use, I think the rate will go up further.

-- 作者: 無尾蜂
-- 發表時間: 2006/05/12 06:24pm




-- 作者: rainbow
-- 發表時間: 2006/05/12 10:27pm

美國房子太昂貴, 應該增加利率。香港不應該盲目地跟進。因為每個國家或區域的經濟是不同。


我的一個同事今天(星期五)是最後一天 (last day of work),  他將搬到美國東南部 喬治亞州 (Georgia),在那裡他能負擔購買房子。

但是在這裡,他不能負擔購買[u]一半的房子[/u]。他在喬治亞州已經買了房子和支付他的定金, 銀行願意借給他一筆貸款.

我有一個猶太教同事羡慕他, 他很希望買房子, 但是他不能搬到沒有猶太教堂的地區 - 不居住靠近猶太教堂, 是違反宗教. 在以色列之後, 猶太人口最集中的是在美國東北部,和佛羅里達州.

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