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Indeed, Maggie sister presents a very good argument.  One does not necessary lead to another. A=> D, can be A, B, C=>D or B, C=>D, possibility can be endless.  So, it's important for us to get to the bottom of the cause.2oJz`
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However, some people are prone to certain events.  That is the influence of character.  For example, a smoker is likely to have lung cancer.  However, genetic can also be a reason contributes to lung cancer.  Living under polluted air also causes lung cancer.  Just to say a few.  It's hard to change the living condition and the genetic arrangement but easier to change one's habit.  If the symptom is coming form character, it's easy to ¹ïÃÒ¤UÃÄ.  In other case, we may have to find an indirect way, less effective way; for example, if we work hard, we may able to change the financial palace which is across the character palace.  With more money, we can move to a better living condition that reduces the cancer risk.  But this will take more time and effort.  As far as the genetic concern, currently there is no available solution.  But with research development, that is likely to change in the future.  Consequently, we just have to accept that there is no solution or solutions are too slow for some issues.  CTR
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At last, I would like to remind everyone worries what he/she can control=character palace.  If we present ourselves in good manner, hopefully other palaces will change due to the chain effort.  Life is a long journey.  Eventually, we may able to enjoy the fruit of our actions today._x%`

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