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  [³o½g¤å³¹³Ì«á¥Ñ¤å¤H¦b 2004/12/06 04:00pm ²Ä 2 ¦¸½s¿è]Zf
This is a dry topic for someone who is interested in using bond yield as a market prediction tool.)
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ ~+
This link is the basic bond yield introduction tutorial:'fi>{
http://www.investopedia.com/articles/bonds/ These are kind of like "¥Ò¤ì¤A¤ì¤þ¤õ...".  If you don't know them, you are a fool.  Even if you do, you are still no body.d1nP.
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ Kp<
This link is more interesting.Do"Vd^
http://www.smartmoney.com/onebond/index.cfm?story=yieldcurve You should know it by now that all professional bond traders (sometime stock market traders) wear a yield curve visor to look into the future to formulate their trading strategy.  This link show three interesting issues:~_m?T
1) an introduction on different kinds of yield curves;"j9I"
2) an example of stock market and GDP reaction from a given shape of yield curve.$
3) an applet to replay the shapes of US yield curve from 1970s.f~
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ a4[
This link is even better:\
http://moneycentral.msn.com/articles/invest/prepare/1274.asp Basically, you should know the follow by now:{|l8k
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ U(dA7
yield curve --> economic performance (GDP growth) --> interest rate movement (from whatever economic theory/Greenspan thinking) --> bond/stock market movement --> trading strategy.vJQU+
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ Qa)YmT
The above link skip the introduction of delta and epsilon or limit in calculus and tell you the formula directly                           d(X^n)/dy = n X ^ (n+1).  k@<
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ S[
Yield Curve --> Strategy.  :)c
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ !{WUP9
There are many jardons and unexplained items.  But who would care anyway.y9
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ l+F
If you want to get the latest up-to-date info.  You could try this link: http://www.pimco.com/ Read the Bill Gross monthly article; however, he usual give a nonrelevant small talk at the beginning and use many jargons and big words in his bond movement discussion.b#<4
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@
There is also a yield curve introduction from PIMCO. http://www.pimco.com/LeftNav/Latest+Publications/2004/yield_curve_basics.htm `

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2004/12/04 00:22pm¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 2093 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 

 * ¾ðª¬¥Ø¿ý
¡@¥D¤å³¹¡G This is a dry topic for someone who is interested in using bond yield as a market predicti ...   §@ªÌ¡G¤å¤H 2004/12/04 
¡@¡@¦^ÂСG Professional !!   §@ªÌ¡GÀs¨ß½Þ 2004/12/05 
¡@¡@¦^ÂСG ¦³µL§Aªº¹ê¾Ô¤ß±o¤À¨É¤U°Ú!!!!!!!!!!!!   §@ªÌ¡G0to1 2004/12/05 
¡@¡@¦^ÂСG ¦b§ë¸ê¥@¬É¤¤,Yield Curve o¬J¨Ç·LÅܰʳ£·|¼vÅT¥þ²yo¬J§ë¸êÀô¹Ò,Yield Curve ¬J­«­n,¦ý¤S®e©ö¬°¡@...   §@ªÌ¡Gjason 2004/12/06 
¡@¡@¦^ÂСG Yield Curve -> strategy At I have say in the first post, this is something along the li ...   §@ªÌ¡G¤å¤H 2004/12/06 


§Ö³t¦^ÂÐ¥DÃD: Yield Curve - Interest Rate
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