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標題: [資訊分享] 奧巴馬,演講途中... [打印本頁]

作者: supralex    時間: 2010-10-7 12:21     標題: 奧巴馬,演講途中...

[youtube]a6zu8D05ECY[/youtube] 美國總統標誌倒下... 發生日期:2010年10月6日晚上
作者: mensch    時間: 2010-10-7 13:16

Presidential seal falls off podium as Obama speaks
Associated Press, Updated: October 06, 2010 16:10 IST

Washington:  The US presidential seal fell off Barack Obama's lectern on Tuesday and fell onto the stage as he delivered a speech at a women's conference in Washington.

"That's all right, all of you know who I am," the president joked when he realised what happened, prompting peals of laughter from the audience.

"But I'm sure there's somebody back there that's really nervous right now, don't you think?" Obama added, referring to the person who had hung the seal on the front of his lectern so precariously.

"They're sweating bullets back there," he said, laughing.

The incident happened about halfway through Obama's speech to Fortune magazine's Most Powerful Women Summit on Tuesday night at Carnegie Mellon Auditorium.

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