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    鳳翼 發表於: 2004/12/19 04:40pm
    From:  http://www.astrologyworldonline.com/weather.html

    Weather Forecasting
    by Jackie Goldstein

    There is currently much ongoing research in weather forecasting using astrological techniques. My own interest, and much of the following material was sparked by Carolyn Egan who in turn acknowledges Sandra Rhozon and Alphee Lavoie among others, and by reading Weather Predictions by C.C. Zain.
    If you would like to try it for yourself, here are some of the basic ideas. The best way to go about this is to keep a notebook showing your predictions and their outcomes. The charts that we use are:

    The Cardinal Ingress chart - used to get an overview of the season ahead. This chart is calculated for the time (GMT) that the Sun enters a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). Use your own latitude and longitude.
    Weekly Lunation charts - calculated for GMT but again using your local longitude and latitude. The New Moon chart can also be considered as encompassing the entire month.
    You will also need to have an idea of the keywords associated with the Planets and Signs and these are listed briefly later. First though you will need to run the nearest Ingress and Lunation charts for the entire period. Now to get down to the nitty-gritty..

    First, note the Planets in the 4th and 1st Houses - using the descriptions below make notes of all of the effects of these Planets. These notes will be your 'forecast' against which you will compare and note the actual weather for a lunation period.

    Roughly half of the overall conditions of the forecast are described by the Planets in the 4th House, the Sign they are in and the aspects to other Planets and sensitive points. Include the Sign on the 4th House cusp as the next influence. About one quarter of the information comes from the Planets in the 1st House, the Sign they are in and the aspects they make. The Rising Sign or Ascendant is a secondary influence. Look also at the Planets which rule the 1st and 4th House and consider their Signs and aspects. Obviously there will be contradictory ideas presented when these forecasts are made and it is in the synthesis or blending of these descriptions that the meat of the forecast will become obvious.

    Pay close attention to Planets which are conjunct angles. Ther are very important and may override much of the Sign descriptions. If these angular Planets make hard aspects that too needs to be noted.

    Obviously not every Ingress or Lunation chart will have Planets on the angles but when they do, it can be quite significant. Carolyn notes that in New England the lunations of January 5th and 13th, 1995, had Saturn conjunct the Midheaven creating a week of long-lasting doom and gloom aptly named the 'Blizzard of '96'.

    Sign Descriptions

    warm, hot, dry - a moveable sign and can bring in some wind

    cool, wet, a moderating influence and can be steady farmer's rain

    tends to cold, dry, fair, clouds moving, open sky, fluctuations in temp.

    cooling off to cold, wet, chance of rain with downpours, short-term wet

    hot and dry; the most still sign; in winter, melting snow

    cold, dry, on the cool side with winds; blustery

     cool, lower temps rather than heat, airy breezes, favors dry; pleasant

     extremes, really wet/dry or hot/cold, con/destructive; oppressive; this sign intensifies the action of the rest of the chart. Never fails to bring an extreme.

     warm, dry, clear and sunny; pleasant, Indian summer, Jan. or Feb. thaw

     coldest, storms, low temps in winter; can add to heat in summer; can be severe and long, periods of wet, especially on 1st or 4th

     cold, dry and crisp; lightning; very changeable; adds to storm charts.

     cool, wet, mild, seasonable; moderates indications, second to Taurus

    Planetary Descriptions

    Sun - warm, dry, calm unless in violent combination
    Moon - chilly, wettest of all planets
    Mercury - wind, cool to cold, tends to dryness
    Venus - moisture, moderating influence, consistently wet
    Mars - acute, heat, extreme if combined with other violent planets
    Jupiter - warm, pleasant breezes, under right conditions can be a big wind, tends to dryness.  
    Saturn - cold, wet, long-lasting, extended gloom, stubborn and determined
    Uranus - cold, dry, record breaker, unexpected changes, reversals, unstable; lightning, squalls
    Neptune - cool, wet, fog, mist, erosion in earth sign; peculiar, freakish weather events, flooding
    Pluto - cool, but violent, extremes, severe and intense depending on other chart indications.


    Conjunctions can work out either way and are considered the most powerful aspect of all. The descriptions of each Planet must be blended with weather patterns in mind. For example, Mars usually indicates hot weather. In conjunction with Saturn (cold, wet, extended gloom) there is likely to be a meeting of two weather fronts creating the potential for thunderstorms. During the summer of 1995, Venus stayed very close to the Sun - an indication of wet and heat or humid weather, as it was. Squares and oppositions can produce plenty of trouble or difficulty, especially aspects between Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Trines can offer a flow to the energies.

    According to Alphee Lavoie, for over 20 years, 33% of the severe weather is when Saturn is on the ascendant, 33% of severe weather has been when the Moon is conjunct Uranus in the lunation chart and 45% of bad weather is with Saturn opposite or conjunct the Sun, Moon. The more the Sun and Moon are afflicted, the more it brings out the weather.

    Enjoy your weather forecasting and lets hear about your results.


    ©Jackie Goldstein 1997

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