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主題標題: [電影、小説] 《達芬奇密碼》- “The Da Vinci Code”
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    wingwing 發表於: 2006/03/14 00:42pm
    以下是我看過小説后 和朋友討論時寫下的一點感想。供大家參考。

    It is a great book, well written and great insight. I can tell that the author is a wise, objective, and compassionate person. It is well demonstrated by perceiving how he settles the story for each character. His style of presenting the story is unbias and yet very humane, at least from my perspective.

    He actually doesn't criticize anyone or any of today's religions. He tells a story from each character's perspective, and leads you to understand that all the conflicts are caused by each character's own belief and faith. They are not meant to be malicious or destructive, but their incapability of realizing and embracing (others' ) differences as a part of the complete world makes them so. This is actually the most common demerit and misfortune of today's world. The mysterious and ancient religious society's not revealing the truth is indeed a result of wisdom and humanity.

    注:這裡所說的真相是 小説中一直圍繞着的被隱瞞兩千年的 耶穌基督本人 和其創立基督教 的真相。

    -=-=-=-=- 以下內容由 wingwing2006年03月14日 00:43pm 時新增 -=-=-=-=-
    期待電影的上映...  @@  Biggrin
    wingwing 發表於: 2006/03/14 00:25pm
    《達芬奇密碼》--  "The Da Vinci Code" 電影上映北美上映日期 五月十九日!

    電影 The Da Vinci Code 改編自 Dan Brown 的同名小説。
    電影導演:Ron Howard and Akiva Goldsman, 奧斯卡最佳導演 和 "A Beautiful Mind" 的作者。
    主演:Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Jean Reno, Sir Ian McKellen, Alfred Molina.

    電影 Trailer:


    Ron Howard and Akiva Goldsman, the Oscarƭwinning director and writer of A Beautiful Mind, reunite to bring Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, one of the most popular and controversial novels of our time, to the big screen with a cast headed by two-time Academy AwardƠwinner Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Jean Reno, Sir Ian McKellen and Alfred Molina.

    Produced by Oscarƭwinner Brian Grazer and John Calley, The Da Vinci Code, begins with a spectacular murder in the Louvre Museum. All clues point to a covert religious organization that will stop at nothing to protect a secret that threatens to overturn 2,000 years of accepted dogma.

    The Da Vinci Code commences production on June 30th in Paris and is set to wrap on October 19th in England.

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