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主題標題: [轉貼] Byron Wien 2006 十大預言
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    文章一覽:[轉貼] Byron Wien 2006 十大預言 (新回覆在最前面,最多列出 6 個)  [列出所有回覆]
    rainbow 發表於: 2007/01/27 03:12pm

    下面引用由tkm2006/01/06 01:04pm 發表的內容:

    哪一個, 或哪數個 2006 年預言是準確的?
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/03/11 00:26am

    下面引用由az2592006/01/21 10:53am 發表的內容:
    YEP.  that is why it is time for change.  Hilary is very smart........she is not just a bs-er

    喜萊莉選總統 紐約人不支持
    半數選民反對 近六成挺她連任現職 最新民調顯示 支持率略有下降

    【美聯社紐約九日電】根據9日發布的由Siena College Research Institute進行的紐約州民意調查,六成選民認為國會參議員喜萊莉·柯林頓(Hillary Rodham Clinton)會競選總統,但紐約州只有三成選民表示會支持她。


    Siena的報告跟一月分由Marist College's Institute for Public Opinion所作的民調不同,該項調查發現,59%的紐約選民會支持柯林頓競選總統,但62%認為她不會競選。



    Siena民意調查主任卡羅素(Joseph Caruso),注意到喜萊莉的支持率由一月分的60%下降至現今的55%。





    az259 發表於: 2006/01/21 03:03pm
    stock gambling only
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/01/20 11:35pm

    下面引用由az2592006/01/21 10:53pm 發表的內容:
    YEP.  that is why it is time for change.  Hilary is very smart........she is not just a bs-er

    <pre>az259, I guess you don't know you cannot be President of the US for more than 8 years. Bush cannot run for President again.

    How smart is Hilary Clinton?  She left the Healthcare Reform in the same mess as before she vowed to make changes to it.  Many people are still without Health Insurance.  Majority of the people without Health Insurance are poor and sick.  

    That was the only assignment she has in the White House, besides secretly killing all the potential witnesses who would turn against Bill and her in court.  Everyone else connected with the Whitewater scandal are either killed,   "committed suicide"  or went to jail (except these 2 crooks are still alive).

    -=-=-=-=- 以下內容由 rainbow2006年01月21日 00:37pm 時新增 -=-=-=-=-

    By the way,  you like to gamble.  Have you been to Borgata Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey?  

    Just checking to see if it is worth it to go when the weather is warmer.  Only for sightseeing, I am not a gambler.
    az259 發表於: 2006/01/21 10:53am
    YEP.  that is why it is time for change.  Hilary is very smart........she is not just a bs-er
    rainbow 發表於: 2006/01/20 04:12pm
    [這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/01/20 03:17pm 第 1 次編輯]

    第十點 我也希望如此.  布殊禍國八年, energy sector 也旺太久了.  也是時候需要一個有魄力及聰明的人掌旗.  她最是適合不過.

    Hilary Clinton is all talk and no results.  Why should America want to elect an incompetent like that?

    <<<< energy sector 也旺太久了 >>>>  

    Don't forget where the Bush family comes from.  They are from oil-rich Texas.  The past few generations of the Bush family got rich from the oil business.  Vice President Dick Cheney is a former President or CEO of an oil/energy company (I think it's called Haliburton or something like that).  Dick Cheney still has financial involvement in some oil/energy companies.


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