- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: doomsday 昨天一月七日,經濟日報副刊,專欄「玳玳茶」的梁玳寧小姐,寫有關風水並非不科學的文章,為堪輿學平反。 由於經濟日報網頁是要收費的,所以沒有轉貼。不過,一直有看她的專欄,過去幾年的農曆年前,都會有關於新一年要留意的事,有興趣都可以一看吧!
-- 作者: 緣生
根本上現時的科學就不足以解釋風水。 因此科學不足以評論風水。 風水學是時間及空間的配合運用, 亦是對時、空系統的操作學問, 她有本身獨特的理論及操作, 尤其在時間的操控上。 現時的科學未能完全理解風水,未必就是風水不科學呢。
-- 作者: doomsday 我也覺得很多所謂科學的都不能是全對的。 今天那專欄還寫出有關明年的開工好日子,不知有沒有關係的呢?
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2008/01/13 03:30pm 第 3 次編輯] One of the major responsibilites of scientists is to write proposals and submit their detailed research intent to the NSF to receive funding (money) to pay for their research staff, to buy equipments, and to start meaningful research on their topics. NSF is not a charitable organization, scientists do not automatically get money from NSF. The funding criteria is highly selective. Since Feng Shui is considered somewhat close to horoscopes, or interior design to the Western world, it is highly unlikely for the NSF to consider Feng Shui as a topic of scientifc interest. Let alone giving out government funding for scientists to do empirical studies on it. Therefore, in practice (at least in the United States), scientists would not waste their time on these kinds of research. Their scientific reputation is at stake, it's unlikely that they want to associate themselves to these kinds of research.