- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: misscherish 求得大畜卦 出生时间:年 性别:女 起卦方式:网上摇卦 占事: 【本卦】 面試時間是上午10:00,該投行在我家東南方位。我是最後2選1之1,請高人指點。拜謝。[br][br][color=#990000][b]-=-=-=-=- 以下內容由 [i]misscherish[/i] 在 [i]2007年06月04日 08:03pm[/i] 時新增 -=-=-=-=-[/b][/color]
-- 作者: axle
[這篇文章最後由axle在 2007/06/04 08:16pm 第 1 次編輯] Hi, here're some questions for confirmation first: 1. are you applying for a position that involves monitory control? Hope I could help you eventually. Thanks~! :)
-- 作者: misscherish 多謝樓上。 1,不 最後2選1的另一個candidate也不是行業内出身,所以背景上應該不能算做比我更具優勢,是另一家agent推薦的,我的agent打聽來的消息是,也是一個非常qualified的人。一切讓我内心難以平靜,望以上資料能供您做出更好判斷。
-- 作者: misscherish
-- 作者: axle
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]misscherish[/u]在 [i]2007/06/04 08:38pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] Thanks for your quick response :) Some further questions :- 1. Do you feel (rather strongly) that you were being observed and judged by the interviewers, in a way which is a bit uncomfortable and unnatural to you? 2. The company you are working at now is a leading player in your industry? 3. The industry of your current company (or your current job nature) involves making sense of many small details? Thanks :)
-- 作者: misscherish 應該是我多謝您 1,50%/50%
-- 作者: axle
[這篇文章最後由axle在 2007/06/05 00:24am 第 1 次編輯] You are welcome. The objective of 術數 is to help us make decisions. Many a time it could tell us things that logic cannot tell. OK, back to your question now. :em15: The preliminary comment is that the chance does not seem high. If you are really so eager to join, you may send an email to your interviewer, telling that you would like to be part of their team, would contribute actively with your current experience, while at the same time would work hard to learn the new things there. However, it seems the main question is that the job may not actually suit you even if they make the offer. It also does not seem to be the right time for you to make a change. Have a thought about it, and possibly you could post another question here which may help you more. Really hope this would help you. :em69:
-- 作者: misscherish :( Anyway, thanks a lot for your advice. I'd been interviewer before, and I dont like overstatement from candidates, people are used to swagger about themselves during the interview, does it mean they are able to do the job? does it mean they are full of confidence? I dont think so comprehensively. Maybe the bankers like such personality,....who knows.... long night.......thanks in advance, have a good rest.
-- 作者: axle
[這篇文章最後由axle在 2007/06/05 03:06am 第 1 次編輯] Don't feel discouraged. I'm just a beginner, so my comments are for reference only. Whether you get the offer or not only tells your success in an "interview". It does not tell if it actually helps you in enriching your experience and your CV. I personally experienced similar situations several times in the past. Some jobs looked so attractive to me, but later I found I was lucky not joining the company. Remember, something better could be ahead for you~! :em06:
-- 作者: unclesam
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]misscherish[/u]在 [i]2007/06/05 01:04am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 相信妳明什麼是"If you can't beat them, be with them" ? 沒有惡意,只是經驗.
-- 作者: misscherish 多謝樓上二位教誨。 做人先於做事,我很清楚。我相信秉持己性與融入企業文化並不應該單純相提並論,兩者並不矛盾。任何一家企業需要的必然將是腳踏實地工作者居多,不排除同時也需要保留一些小人來起到制衡作用,這是管理手段,但顯然我不應該是應聘去做小人的。他們似乎喜歡用aggressive去判斷此人是否多變而靈巧,來適應這一行瞬息萬變的特性。但同時這不也正是他們人力資源流動極快的另一個原因?任何一個有人的地方都不可能盡是複製人。我的不甘僅僅是對方用我的一個停頓,一個謹慎思考來判斷我的消極?我也完全可以信口開河誇誇其談,但如果這是我被拒的原因,我會比較失望。而不是unclesam教誨中誤解了我認爲對方不找我是他們的損失,呵呵,即便小妹自負,也不會如此目中無人。而且,我認爲我從事的職業特性會需要處事機智靈活,但爲人不該太過投機取巧。(我做了多年PA,如成功進去會幫T小姐)所以我想,他們並不應該是希望找一個會很快跳走的人。aelx提及該工作不一定適合我,我倒沒有太多顧慮,要說工作,我就從來沒有覺得有一份是適合我的,沒有人會讓你輕輕松松把他的錢拿走,您説是嗎? 求卦問卜是得一時心理上的安慰,某時某刻,人總會除了等待之外無事可做。有位解易高人說此卦6日内可成,我是否就能開心到去歐洲兜個圈,6日之後自己走去公司報道呢?顯然不是。反之亦然。我想我自己内心最大的不安穩的根源是來自于不甘心。 感謝兩位與我探討卦象之外更深入有意義的事情,非常感謝。懇請不吝賜教。
-- 作者: misscherish typro axle but not aelx, sorry.
-- 作者: 哈啦
-- 作者: misscherish 呵呵樓上哈啦言重了。 axle網友已經解答了他對我求此卦的看法。其實他們的本意都很善良,如果不是希望我能有平常心,我想他們無需勞心勞力去打那麽多字。我是由衷感謝他們與我分享做人做事的心得。這些也是我來此的意外收穫,我感到很高興。
-- 作者: 哈啦 小弟多事!
-- 作者: unclesam
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]misscherish[/u]在 [i]2007/06/05 05:14pm[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 他們不介意, 但他們只要最好的...
-- 作者: unclesam
先聲明, 我不是解卦