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-- 作者: unclesam
-- 發表時間: 2006/02/17 00:19am

[這篇文章最後由unclesam在 2006/02/17 00:20am 第 1 次編輯]

Eight Below 南極物語

a sentimental movie, after watching the trailer, i think it is a pretty good movie.



Inspired by a true story, EIGHT BELOW is an action-adventure about loyalty and the bonds of friendship set in the extreme wilderness of Antarctica. The film tells the story of three members of a scientific expedition: Jerry Shepard, his best friend, Cooper, and a rugged American geologist, who are forced to leave behind their team of beloved sled dogs due to a sudden accident and perilous weather conditions in Antarctica. During the harsh, Antarctic winter, the dogs must struggle for survival alone in the intense frozen wilderness for over 6 months.

Genres: Action/Adventure and Drama

Release Date: February 17th, 2006 (wide)

MPAA Rating: PG for some peril and brief mild language.

Distributors: Walt Disney Pictures

情簡介:故事發生在空無人煙、遍地冰雪的南極洲大陸,在環境如此惡劣的情況下,一位探險隊員 Gerry Shepherd 與研究學者執行一次研究任務,他們帶著八隻雪橇狗一同跨越冰原探險,沒想到卻因為一次意外發生,同行的學者受傷必須立刻送醫,Gerry 為了要拯救夥伴的性命,被迫必須留下他忠心的雪橇狗而繼續前行,Gerry 離開時也許下誓言,要儘快趕回來將狗兒們帶走。這八隻被留在冰天雪地的狗兒們不畏冰雪,依然奮勇求生守在原地,這場生存競賽是在跟時間賽跑,狗兒們能不能克服風雪的考驗,再度跟主人重逢?  




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