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-- 作者: 無尾蜂 非常期待之作 可到下面的 link 看 Trailer~
-- 作者: 鵲踏枝
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]無尾蜂[/u]在 [i]2006/05/07 00:31am[/i] 發表的內容:[/b] 值得期待的電影啊!~ :em68: 很久之前已經看了兩三個探討《達文西密碼》的節目了~ :em16: 此片19/5上畫之後,一定很多人去看,還是等熱潮退卻之後才看比較好,否則電影院擠滿人,鬧哄哄~~ :em62:
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/05/07 01:35pm 第 3 次編輯] 不同國家的 "達文西密碼" 電影預告和電視廣告 [b][color=purple]暢銷書, 加上Tom Hanks 一定吸引很多觀眾, 他是票房靈藥. 加上著名導演 Ron Howard 和 美麗的 Audrey Tautou. A winning combination.[/b][/color]
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/05/08 06:24pm 第 1 次編輯] 不知道全球天主教徒是否會聽從教宗, 但是根據 "達文西密碼" 書本的銷售量來判斷, 全球天主教徒不一定聯合組織起來抵制這部電影。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 教廷公開呼籲天主教徒抵制《達芬奇口令》 【星島網訊】由湯姆·漢克斯(Tom Hanks)主演的《達芬奇口令》(The Da Vinci Code),即將於5月中上映。在電影開畫前夕,教廷于4月28日公開呼籲天主教徒站起來抵制電影,換言之,影片將會面臨全球逾十億信徒的大規模杯葛。 教宗本篤十六世的助手,即樞機主教Angelo Amato在羅馬的Santa Croce大學一個天主教會議上公開呼籲教徒抵制《達芬奇口令》,[b][color=blue]Amato在會上表示:“《達芬奇口令》一書全是錯誤、誹謗及侮辱,是一本反基督的書籍。我希望你們全都抵制這部電影。”他還稱天主教徒應該對謊言及中傷特別敏感,就如當年美國的教徒馬丁·斯科西斯(Martin Scorsese)執導的電影《基督的最後誘惑》(The Last Temptation Of Christ)一樣。Amato又認為若謊言是針對回教經典可蘭經的話,就會可能激發全球性的強烈反對行動,但若是涉及基督徒,有關方面則不會受到影響。[/b][/color] 《達芬奇口令》自出版以來,書內涉及違背天主教教義及歷史的內容一直備受教會的批評,即將上映的電影版原封不動地將內容搬上大銀幕,自然會惹麻煩。早在這次的杯葛事件之前,作風保守的業主會,已經向《達》片所屬的新力電影公司要求發出聲明指內容虛構。[b][color=blue]而電影的海報早前原本懸挂在羅馬的St. Pantaleo教堂宣傳,但在教堂職員的反對下,電影公司最後唯有讓步,將海報拆掉。據知全球的天主教徒人數逾10.6億人,換言之《達》片將會面臨大規模杯葛。[/b][/color]
-- 作者: wingwing
我一位朋友 是 非常虔誠的天主教徒, 她看完此書後不但沒有信仰被侵犯的感覺,還大讚此書内容精彩。她說這只是虛構的小説,真好假好不是重要,重要的是這是一本精彩的小説,而她還是天主虔誠的信徒。
-- 作者: wingwing 我就很期待看這部電影。由Tom Hanks 來演Robert Langdon, 真是最佳人選了! 從作者 Dan Brown 對各個故事人物結局的編排,可看知作者是 聰明,智慧,仁慈,客觀,和很有人情味的。
-- 作者: macyw 5月19日全球公影。
-- 作者: leoriakk
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/05/12 01:50pm 第 1 次編輯] "達文西密碼" 一些細節是不準確的, 想像 如果某人寫一本小說關於 被尊敬的 孫中山先生 早死是因為他死於性病 / 愛滋病 etc -- 對大多數人,如果不是真的,還是 "有趣" 和 "有創意的" , 不可能是真事吧, right? Likewise, "達文西密碼" 關於耶穌和 Mary Magdalene (馬格德琳) 結婚以及生小孩, 子孫後代在法國住在村莊, 是 "有趣" 和 "有創意的". 可能是真的, 我不在那時代居住證實它. 不要低估保守教徒的力量, "Brokeback Mountain" 被 "Crash" 擊敗, "Crash" 獲奧斯卡 Best Picture, 保守教徒對這部 Brokeback Mountain 電影的大力反對, 是失去奧斯卡 Best Picture 的一個理由. 迄今為止, 新加坡禁止 16 歲以下小孩看這部 "達文西密碼" 電影。 印度在考慮完全禁止 "達文西密碼" 電影。 天主教國家 菲律賓也在考慮禁止這部電影。 By the way, 一些 "非常虔誠" 的基督徒, 例如香港名星 蔡少芬, 是 "非常虔誠" 的基督徒, 經濟上不支持她的貧窮父親。 "非常虔誠" 的蔡少芬 太忙碌說服其他人相信耶穌. 連自己的貧窮父親都不理會. 我看過太多 蔡少芬 這些所謂 "非常虔誠" 的教徒, 在教堂裡是很活躍的虔誠教徒. </pre>
-- 作者: rainbow Hot off the press! SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! "達文西密碼" 電影, 被影評批評很壞 :em14: , 很 laughable and ridiculous。 :em14: :em14: http://www.mg.co.za/articlepage.aspx?area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__international_news/&articleid=272020 Critics crucify Da Vinci Code in Cannes :em14: Critics on Wednesday crucified Hollywood's hotly awaited film of the runaway bestseller, The Da Vinci Code, ahead of its glittering premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. Several disappointed whistles were all that greeted the end of Ron Howard's $125-million film, and, even worse, the 2 000-strong audience even burst out laughing at the movie's key moment. :em14: :em14: :em14: Daily Variety, the top Hollywood trade magazine, gave it a blistering review, saying the novel, which has sold about 50-million copies worldwide, "has become a stodgy, grim thing in its exceedingly literal-minded film version". Howard and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman "conspired to drain any sense of fun out of the melodrama, leaving expectant audiences with an oppressively talky film that isn't exactly dull, but comes as close to it as one could imagine with such provocative material". But Howard brushed aside the criticism, saying his film was pure entertainment and he hoped it would still prove a crowd pleaser. "I haven't read any of the reviews, and I don't know ... if any of the others might be slightly more upbeat," Howard told a packed press conference. "I've made a lot of commercial films and I really stopped prognosticating a long time ago," he added. Star Tom Hanks, who plays symbologist Robert Langdon who is thrown into a hunt to resolve a 2 000-year-old mystery, also shrugged off the controversy provoked by the film's central premise that descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene survive today. "As a guy who likes to go see movies I certainly like two things. I like, certainly like, crackerjack entertainment. I like to be exposed to the same sort of film that a book is as a page-turner," he said. "But at the same time I also do want to be challenged somehow. I want to see films that are provocative, so that I have great things to talk about and argue about once the movie is over." Sir Ian McKellen, who plays Holy Grail expert Leigh Teabing, said movie fans could take from the film and the book what they liked. "When I read the book I believed it entirely. I believed Leigh Teabing argued his case very convincingly, and clever Dan Brown for twisting my mind in the right direction," said McKellen, talking about the character he plays. "And when I put the book down I thought what a load of potential codswallop." The film was to officially open the 59th Film Festival at a glittering red-carpet ceremony also to be attended by French representatives of the Catholic Church. One senior official heaved a sigh of relief after catching the preview, saying the movie was so unbelievable it posed no threat to their faith. "There's nothing to get whipped up about, even for a member of the Opus Dei," said Marc Aellen, secretary general of a Catholic cinema association. "I really liked the book -- as a suspenseful novel. But it was dishonest to mix fact and fiction in such a way. However, you just don't believe for one second in the film and that discredits the theory completely," he said. Other critics agreed. "Tom Hanks was a zombie, thank goodness for Ian McKellen. It was overplayed, there was too much music and it was much too grandiose," Peter Brunette, critic for the United States daily The Boston Globe, told Agence France-Presse. "At the high point, there was laughter among the journalists. Not loud laughs, but a snicker and I think that says it all," said Gerson Da Cunha from The Times of India. The book has already been translated into 44 languages and spawned a spin-off tourist industry, as well as whipping up a controversy, all ingredients to ensure that despite the poor reviews, the film, which also stars Audrey Tautou as cryptologist Sophie Neveu, will still undoubtedly draw early crowds. Despite being filmed on location against the backdrop of some of Paris's and London's most impressive and historic buildings -- Howard even gained permission to film inside the Louvre -- the film is unconvincing, overly relying on documentary style historic flashbacks and neglecting its duty to build suspense. "The film version of The Da Vinci Code is ultimately a flawed and lifeless adaptation," :em14: wrote online reviewer for filmfocus.co.uk, Joe Utichi. "There's nothing technically wrong with Howard's film, but Brown's approach to the novel is essentially untranslatable and that's perhaps more a criticism of the book than the film." Blooper fans will also have fun spotting some of the errors in a Paris chase scene. -- AFP
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/05/18 11:43am 第 1 次編輯] 坎城電影節的觀眾, 在 "達文西密碼" 電影莊嚴的場面期間在電影院內大笑。 :em07: :em07: :em07: :em07: :em07: :em07: 在八運, 褻瀆上帝和耶穌場的下場. :em07: :em14: :em14: :em14: :em14: </pre> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Kirk Honeycutt, HOLLYWOOD REPORTER " :em07: :em14: An oppressively talky film that isn't exactly dull, but comes as close to it as one could imagine with such provocative material." -- Todd McCarthy, VARIETY
-- 作者: rainbow
[這篇文章最後由rainbow在 2006/05/18 11:56am 第 1 次編輯] <pre>[b]'Da Vinci' disaster :em07: :em14: :em14: "The Da Vinci Code," this year's most hotly anticipated flick, failed to catch fire with critics at the Cannes Film Festival last night. Others laughed or jeered at parts of the nearly 2-1/2-hour thriller and dumped on star Tom Hanks' performance as well as what they called a potboiler script.[/b][/color] :em14: :em14: The movie, based on Dan Brown's monster best-selling novel about a coverup of secrets surrounding Christianity's roots, will have its world premiere at Cannes today. It opens here Friday. [b][color=blue]Variety, the movie industry's bible, called the film " a stodgy, grim thing" in a review posted on its Web site last night. Peter Brunette, critic for The Boston Globe, described Hanks as "a zombie" but praised co-star Ian McKellen. " :em14: :em14: It was really disappointing. The dialogue was cheesy. The acting wasn't too bad, but the film is not as good as the book," chimed in Lina Hamchaoui, from British radio IRN. " :em14: :em14: :em14: Nothing really works. It's not suspenseful. It's not romantic. It's certainly not fun," according to Stephen Schaefer of the Boston Herald.[/b][/color] [b][color=purple]The Cannes audience of critics - arguably the toughest in the world - clearly grew restless as the movie dragged on to a long sequence of anticlimactic revelations. " :em14: :em14: I kept thinking of the Energizer Bunny, because it kept going and going and going, and not in a good way," said James Rocchi, a film critic for CBS 5 television in San Francisco. :em14: :em14: One especially melodramatic line uttered by Hanks drew prolonged laughter and some catcalls, :em07: :em07: and the audience continued to titter for much of the film's remainder. :em19: :em19: :em19: Some people walked out during the movie's closing minutes, and while credits rolled, there were a few whistles and hisses - but none of the scattered applause even bad movies sometimes receive at Cannes.[/b][/color] Still, Fox News movie reviewer Roger Friedman said the movie was mostly "enticing" and predicted McKellen nailed himself an Oscar nomination for his performance. :em06: :em06: The Times of London also called Paul Bettany "an absolute peach" for his portrayal of the albino monk, Silas. :em06: :em06: He chases Hanks and co-star Audrey Tautou "across Europe with a gun in one hand, and a whip to flagellate himself in private in the other. I've rarely seen an actor have more fun," The Times reviewer said. With News Wire Services
-- 作者: Lemon
[這篇文章最後由Lemon在 2006/05/18 03:41am 第 1 次編輯]
-- 作者: rainbow <pre>這部電影大約 2 個半小時長, (ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) 我讀一些報紙, 一些人在坎城看了半路中途感到厭煩, 提早離場。</pre>
-- 作者: rainbow <pre>迄今為止,在一個電影網站, 7 個影評中有 7 個影評 給它差的評分.. 10分中只得到 3.8分 = 不合格的表現. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/news/show_news.cgi?ct=entertain&type=entertain&date=2006-05-18&id=1970258
由暢銷全球的同名小說改編的《達》片由開拍至今都受到基督及天主教派的反對,[b][color=blue]而日前一班影評人觀看該片後,亦作出不少批評,在一重要場面中更有觀眾大笑。[/b][/color] </pre>
-- 作者: rainbow " :em14: :em07: A melodramatic, sometimes lifeless film that is missing the suspense of the popular novel." -- Claudia Puig " :em14: :em07: ... The Da Vinci Code may be controversial and even heretical -- but worse, still, it's plodding, tedious, deathly dull." -- Steven Rea, PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER " :em14: :em07: ... Mr. Howard and Mr. Goldsman handle the supposedly provocative material in Mr. Brown's book with kid gloves, settling on an utterly safe set of conclusions about faith and its history, presented with the usual dull sententiousness." -- A.O. Scott, NEW YORK TIMES " :em14: :em07: There's no code to decipher. Da Vinci is a dud -- a dreary, droning, dull-witted adaptation of Dan Brown's religioso detective story ..." -- Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE " :em14: :em07: ... competent if only occasionally thrilling." -- Kenneth Turan, LOS ANGELES TIMES " :em14: :em07: ...overblown so-so suspense flick..." -- JoBlo, JOBLO's MOVIE EMPORIUM " :em14: :em07: There might be a riveting adventure thriller to be made from Dan Brown's controversial bestseller, but it is not it. Melodramatic, overlong and dare I say occasionally boring, Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code gets lost in the maze of its puzzles and media" -- Urban Cinefile Critics, URBAN CINEFILE " :em14: :em07: A polished affair with moments of interest, but simply far too long, too talky and just not interesting or clever enough to engage let alone entertain." -- Garth Franklin, DARK HORIZONS " :em14: :em07: Part conspiracy thriller, part religious epic, part family melodrama, but not satisfying on any level, this vastly disappointing film will frustrate viewers who know the book and will bore those who don't due to the rambling and confusing storytelling." -- Emanuel Levy, EMANUELLEVY.COM " :em14: :em07: Perhaps and interesting side-piece to those already fanatical about the book, but ultimately a lifeless adaptation that reveals the flaws of its source. So Dark, the Con of Dan Brown." -- Joe Utichi, FILMFOCUS
-- 作者: macyw 昨晚看了,雖然沒有先前期望那麼好,但不至於太差。但如果一些沒有宗教認識的人看可能會看不明白,離場時聽到有人說“講乜阿?!”嘻嘻.......
-- 作者: doomsday 我剛剛看完原著了,很是精彩,但怕電影拍不出原著的味道。 小時候信過基督,但大了就不再相信。現在書中說耶穌原來有老婆及女兒,我反而覺得有甚麼希奇呢?你們又有甚麼見解?
-- 作者: wingwing 昨晚看過 Da Vin Ci Code.... 最大的感覺就是女主角選錯人了!一來,她的演技太差,對白就像平淡無奇的讀出來,沒法表現出角色鮮明的個性;二來, 她在電影中實在顯得年紀太大,像快40的人(實在不敢相信Audrey Tautou 才30歲);三,電影中她跟Tom Hanks沒有半點火花,無法感受得到他們兩人同生共死的依附 (當然導演和Tom Hanks也有點責任)。不過電影中Audrey 也絕對缺乏吸引力, 不夠smart. [br]電影中記得令人發笑的地方有兩處吧。一個是Robert 拜訪Teabing 時 的頑皮對答。都是電影有意幽默的地方。並沒有觀衆無故發笑的地方。
-- 作者: 無尾蜂