- 緣生術數研究社 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: 文人 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/25/business/25boom.html? 米國地產將會爆煲? At 1929, the stock crash leads to tightening of the interest rate (poor monetary policy by the government at that time) leads to real estate collapse, lost of liquidity in money. Further leads to collapse of price beame prolong recession aka The Depression. All other major stock market crashes, Oil crises and hyper-inflation in 70's, Black Friday in 87, and Interent bubble in 2000, do not involved real estate collapse. HK had a real estate collapse after asian financial crisis. Every one has a first hand knowledge of the impact of the real estate crash. US bubble is likely to pop by "coincidental events" of rising interest rate, decline of US dollar, China. change of currency peg. The safest things to do are: 1) sell the house for profit if you own a US house/apartment/condo. 2) do not hold Fanie Mae nor Fredie Mac Mortgage bonds. 3) do not hold Fanie Mae nor Fredie Mac stock neither. 4) avoid US REIT fund 5) hold RMB term-deposite.
-- 作者: rainbow
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-- 作者: rainbow
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-- 作者: rainbow
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-- 作者: rainbow
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-- 作者: 文人 http://www.pimco.com/LeftNav/Late+Breaking+Commentary/IO/2005/IO_Jan_05.htm
-- 作者: 文人 http://www.economist.com/finance/displayStory.cfm?story_id=3722894
There are just too many articles on the house buble in the newspaper.
-- 作者: 文人 http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-afford3apr03,0,4296610.story?coll=la-home-headlines
-- 作者: rainbow 我沒有鼓勵人買(buy)地產, 個人因素較重要 - 例如某人不打算長期住某地方, 租屋較合理. 是美國政府鼓勵美國人自置物業安居 (不是炒, 不是投機那一種). 你的 gratuitious, one-size-fits-all, "因為 Real Estate Bubble is Imminent" 而要賣(sell) house/condo/co-op etc 是頗幼稚原因. 去建議他人賣(sell) 地產, 有點不負責任. 雜誌, 報紙的文章不能 taken literally, 因為媒體個人意見不一定適合每個人. 文章的意見只能作參考, 比較 - 記者的意見不是財務聖經, 否則這一班媒體記者一早已發達, 還要做打工嗎? 外國人買美國地產有他們私人理由, 他們現金交易, 可以肯定地產有support.
-- 作者: 文人 http://www.genre.com/sharedfile/pdf/ReflectionsMarch2005.pdf