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---- 完美的芭蕾舞 --  牽 手 (http://leold.yuensang.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=59&topic=1227)

-- 作者: wingwing
-- 發表時間: 2008/01/13 07:46am

Performed by Ma Li (馬麗) and Zhai Xiaowei (翟孝偉).
The music is composed by San Bao, his works include the music of the film - The Road Home directed by Zhang Yimou starred by Ziyi Zhang, this music is originally from a very popular TV episodes in China, named Qian Shou (牵手 hand in hand).
表演者:馬麗 & 翟孝偉

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LnLVRQCjh8c&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LnLVRQCjh8c&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

-- 作者: 水蓮
-- 發表時間: 2008/01/13 09:58pm

It's my second time to watch this video.... and it's still very touching! One can feel the "will power" and "passion" of the two dancers! Can't imagine how much effort has to be paid by the male dancer to practice dancing!!! :em44:

-- 作者: nlut
-- 發表時間: 2008/01/24 10:18am

it is soul-touched.

-- 作者: cooldoe
-- 發表時間: 2008/01/24 10:46am


-- 作者: joyplace
-- 發表時間: 2008/01/24 09:50pm



-- 作者: MagaWong
-- 發表時間: 2008/02/05 10:37am


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