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-- 作者: ksl1
1) 最近收到礼物, 想知道是谁送给我 ?
-- 作者: 怀予
-- 作者: ksl1 怀予大大新年好, 請按版規賜告生年、性別。 男, 丁未年 Thanks
-- 作者: 怀予
[這篇文章最後由怀予在 2005/02/18 01:21pm 第 1 次編輯]
-- 作者: ksl1 Thanks. 第一,送禮物估是同事或平輩人。 定是同事因在公司收到. 不知怀大大能告诉她/他在公司的职位? 哪一天送礼给我 ?
-- 作者: kmronley I think the present is given by your boss. Is the present wrapped in a wooden box?
-- 作者: ksl1 No. it is not wrapped in the wooden box. However, the gift is a decoration item. It is made of wood, crafted a dragon. How about item 2. any ideas. Thanks.
-- 作者: kmronley
your boss will leave your company. I think it will be around 申月