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White Dove ¢w ScorpionsS0sGSl
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ 6)wI_
A place without a nameei6xE\
Under a burning skyV
There's no milk and honey hereG%
In the land of Godb
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ 7
Someone holds a signHU@'w+
It says we are human, too:
And while the sun goes down-8x
The world goes byb~-Fu+
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ (>Z$s4
White dovegXh\
Fly with the winddp
Take our hope under your wings;99F
For the world to knowzE@
That hope will not die5s
Where the children cry@L
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ _F|
Waves, big like a house{a.YgA
They're stranded on a piece of woodk%,H;
To leave it all behindkp;Dr
To start again*d:#U
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ P
But instead of a new life}1#u-
All they find is a door that's closed,"
And they keep looking for5|
A place called hopeZ[
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ -ZH)69
White doveGR
Fly with the wind.q"
Take our hope under your wings3
For the world to know$v
That hope will not dieDj7iH
Where the children cry>,
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ _ dJ&
Na na©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ ,%sKy|
Na na na na{mV
Na na na na na na na na.BSbh0
Na na©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ ^PC
Na na na na&=
Na na na na nah\DT
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ bHZ
Can anyone tell me why (can anyone tell me why)MJM
The children of the world (children of the world)83|}
Have to pay the price (pay the price)B
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ g)
And now you're telling me>N!
You've seen it all beforeaE
I know that's right but still{
It breaks my heartP6c
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ 1
Well, the golden lamb we've sentI
Makes us feel better nowWd%
But you know it's just a dropY%|=8D
In a sea of tears{;h
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ >]r
White dovev6UO
Fly with the winddAM,
Take our hope under your wings6}
For the world to know{7f;
That hope will not dieC#yt6
Where the children cryW/v
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ f]OPw
White dove)8]y
Fly with the windz}v
Take our hope under your wingsm@
For the world to know\
That hope will not diebPPRX!
Where the children cryCYCFzH
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Na na©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ }z
Na na na na3|~~,
Na na na na na na na naK'|Di,
Na na©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ 7=$
Na na na naGFrar
Na na na na na\E
©½t¥Í³N¼Æ¬ã¨sªÀ -- ³N¼Æ¬ã¨s¡@¡@ m:s

µoªí¤å³¹®É¶¡2008/09/29 11:10pm¡@IP: ¤w³]©w«O±K[¥»¤å¦@ 1786 ¦ì¤¸²Õ]¡@ 


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