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common Icon79 [影音介紹]Happy birthday mensch 2010-10-10 5/21513 mensch 2010-10-12 00:38
common   [資訊分享]百年一遇“三連十”•101010全球掀結婚熱 hakgoh 2010-10-9 0/12592 hakgoh 2010-10-9 19:53
common   [資訊分享]英小學生以為 巴斯光年登月 mensch 2010-10-9 0/13028 mensch 2010-10-9 19:24
common Icon26 [資訊分享]聖誕禮物回歸奢華 圖片附件 mensch 2010-10-9 0/12045 mensch 2010-10-9 19:23
common   [資訊分享]15城市塞車 日損失 10億元 mensch 2010-10-9 0/12234 mensch 2010-10-9 19:21
『給大眾正確的術數概念』唯有 ~ 緣生術數管理學會
common Icon26 [資訊分享]新疆烏魯木齊 節能公廁臭死人 mensch 2010-10-9 0/12371 mensch 2010-10-9 19:19
common   [自然異象]庚寅(2010)年農曆八月的自然異象 圖片附件 mensch 2010-9-18 14/12888 mensch 2010-10-7 19:39
common   [資訊分享]奧巴馬被批唔識養狗 mensch 2010-10-7 0/12622 mensch 2010-10-7 19:38
common Icon76 [資訊分享]奧巴馬,演講途中... 圖片附件 supralex 2010-10-7 1/13018 mensch 2010-10-7 13:16
common Icon22 [影音介紹]Stardust mensch 2010-10-6 0/12297 mensch 2010-10-6 19:48
common Icon77 [影音介紹] mensch 2010-10-6 0/12035 mensch 2010-10-6 02:18
common   [資訊分享]無後遺症•可樂可分解胃結石 hakgoh 2010-10-5 0/12198 hakgoh 2010-10-5 20:16
common Icon77 [養生知識]太極拳與丹田氣 水蓮 2010-10-5 0/12793 水蓮 2010-10-5 15:42
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common   [資訊分享]iPod nano充電爆炸 hakgoh 2010-10-3 0/10812 hakgoh 2010-10-3 22:53
common   [資訊分享]英國•新研究推翻舊論•睡5小時更長命 hakgoh 2010-10-3 0/11061 hakgoh 2010-10-3 22:34
common Icon24 [影音介紹]星星 月亮 太陽 mensch 2010-10-3 0/11874 mensch 2010-10-3 19:49
common   [資訊分享]日本小學教師教寫「勒索信」 mensch 2010-10-3 0/11478 mensch 2010-10-3 19:35
common   [資訊分享]借日熊貓龍龍窒息致死 圖片附件 mensch 2010-10-3 0/11687 mensch 2010-10-3 19:32
common Icon79 [影音介紹]Midnight, the Stars and You mensch 2010-10-3 0/11077 mensch 2010-10-3 01:44
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