演唱會空中飛人 美漢跳棚架自殺 2010年08月22日
美國加州北部一場演唱會出現恐怖場面:一名男子爬上六公尺高的舞台頂棚,一躍而下,空中飛人,在 1,900名觀眾面前,當場死亡。男子跌在樂隊主音歌手身邊,觀眾嚇得魂飛魄散。
演唱會上周四晚在薩拉托加巿( Saratoga)一個露天場地舉行,表演者是搖滾樂隊 The Swell Season。案情透露, 32歲男子皮克爾斯( Michael Pickels)和一名朋友入場,晚上 10時左右,二人還在交談,之後他離開觀眾席,爬上舞台頂棚。觀眾里弗斯和妻子看見頂棚上有人,以為是表演活動,最後卻只見皮克爾斯「跑起步來,然後躍下,在空中翻滾身體,然後跌落舞台,十分可怕」。
1900人面前 跌在歌手旁
The Swell Season主音歌手 Glen Hansard這時剛唱完一首歌,還走到另一名結他手身邊說笑。他突然聽到一聲巨響,原來是皮克爾斯空中飛人,落在他數呎外的位置。 Glen Hansard鎮定地放下結他,走過去查看他的情況。觀眾席上一名醫生,則飛快跑上台為他急救,但搶救整整一小時仍沒有反應,只好宣佈他死亡。 當局將皮克爾斯的屍體抬走,相信他是自殺。皮克爾斯來自聖何賽,最近因為擎槍指嚇女友,被控持械襲擊、家暴和非法禁錮等罪名,獲准以 15萬美元( 117萬港元)保釋。 The Swell Season前日在 MySpace社交網站中,向死者親友致以慰問,對事件表示難過和震驚。 Glen Hansard曾與創作歌手兼前女朋友 Marketa Irglova合演 2006年愛爾蘭愛情片《一奏傾情》( Once),他們更憑創作主題曲《 Falling Slowly》,贏得奧斯卡最佳電影原創歌曲。有觀眾在 twitter抒發感受說:「去看演唱會,最不想看到的,就是有人在台上死亡,我直至現在仍膽戰心驚。」 美聯社/KTVU電視台
Apparent suicide at Saratoga concert Justin Berton, Chronicle Staff Writer
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The alt-folk band Swell Season -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (08-20) 15:04 PDT SARATOGA -- A 32-year-old man apparently jumped to his death during a concert at the Mountain Winery in the Saratoga hills Thursday night, authorities said, leaving hundreds of concertgoers at the amphitheater in a state of shock.
Michael Edward Pickels of San Jose accompanied a friend to see the alternative-folk duo the Swell Season perform, but left his seat during the concert around 10 p.m., said Sgt. Rick Sung, a spokesman for the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office.
"Next thing his friend and everyone at the concert sees is he's standing on top of the roof and dove onto the stage," Sung said.
Sung estimated that Pickels fell 20 to 30 feet.
Christian Pantages, 39, a Milpitas resident who attended the concert with his girlfriend, described the crowd's response as "numb and shocked, and 'What the hell is going on?' "
Pantages, who was sitting about 50 feet from the stage, said the band had just finished the ballad "When Your Mind's Made Up." Pantages said band members had been bantering when he glimpsed an object falling near singer Glen Hansard.
"A giant black object just crashed next to the singer," Pantages said. "I thought a light had fallen from the catwalk, or maybe a sound technician had fallen from the catwalk."
Hansard was the first to approach the body, Pantages said.
A doctor came onto the stage and attempted to revive Pickels, Sung said.
The Swell Season canceled the rest of the show. The duo - Irish musician Hansard and Czech singer and pianist Marketa Irglova - posted a statement on the band's website Friday, saying, "The band, crew and all involved with them are shocked and saddened by the unfortunate events of last night. Our hearts go out to the victim ... and to his friends and family."
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